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Search results

  1. F

    CAN-USA 2025 Tariff Strife (split from various pol threads)

    There are some larger scale greenhouses further north...especially in summer they actually become even more effective due to the longer days => more growing degree days. The challenge is once it starts hitting -20 or colder...and they sure don't like the power bill at -40. There is at least...
  2. F

    CAN-USA 2025 Tariff Strife (split from various pol threads)

    Growing up greenhouses were common for basic vegetable gardens to gain the extra month of growing season needed. But it was always a "nice to have". Then I saw what was happening in southern ontario and the industrial scale production that mostly was going to Hienz...
  3. F

    RCMP White paper

    Or for context the town I'm in is known as a "training" town so we get a huge number of new RCMP members...usually on their first posting...with an average time in the area less than 2 years. While some senior staff has stuck around the average member is here so little time that they have...
  4. F

    The CAF Post Trump

    Thinking about second phases of what I'd like: 1) RCAF fighter force to be at least 50% larger. But get the F-35 flying before alternate aircraft are considered. 2) P-8 fleet to be doubled. Long range surveillance, especially maritime patrol, should be a priority. 3) Artillery. I want...
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    The CAF Post Trump

    Some initial steps in my world: 1) start with a massive upgrade process for northern airbases. Declare them DND assets and bring them up to fighter strip capacity in at least 6 locations in the NWT/Yukon/Nunavut. 2) I believe we have one artillery round producer for 155mm shells? Double...
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    Ah yes...the fun of the one slow vehicle you follow for the next three hours...in a convoy...due to lack of passing lanes, pulloffs, and towns. Even worse when you fill up and don't beat them out of the station and repeat the process. What is the right route? Not really sure...Kenora to...
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    Japan is really only interested in premium grade wood. Maybe #1 grade or Japanese Grade. Interest in the Chinese market varies in part due to availability of wood (legal and illegal harvest) out of Russia...some of which is different dimensions again. For comparison most of what I see in...
  8. F


    And as much as I want East/West pipelines across the country...start in Ontario with a bypass plan for Line 5 so that they are not economically dependent upon Michigan pipeline routes. Heck use the opportunity to twin the TransCanada highway starting from Manitoba. Fire up the dynamite...
  9. F

    Trump administration 2024-2028

    There are some "wine" products from Alberta. Mostly fruit based wines vs. grape wines. It's mostly sold through smaller orchard type stores but there has been commercial scale wineries going back to the late 1980's/early 90's....mostly around saskatoon berry wine. Many products are also...
  10. F

    Political impacts of Ukraine war

    As nice as Google products - Google maps and Google Earth are... Sentinal Hub Playground /Copernicus Browser have them beat in so many ways that they've become a key tool for our work. Copernicus Browser Great tool for "good enough but timely" information vs. super high detail stuff (1m pixel...
  11. F

    CAN-USA 2025 Tariff Strife (split from various pol threads)

    What While I know it's the federal legislation involved with the operation and construction of lines (have dealt with it professionally and the NEB has no sense of humour) I'm still not clear what the federal powers are in the face of provincial opposition to build trans-provincial projects...
  12. F

    CAN-USA 2025 Tariff Strife (split from various pol threads)

    FJAG...you're bang on in regards to inter-provincial lines requiring federal approval. But internally it's just provincial law.
  13. F

    Trump administration 2024-2028

    Your point about government borrowing vs. competing with private sources. I was trying to think of the implications of the loss of the Canada Savings Bonds being issues by the Government direct to Canadians...and now you fighting private capital return rates. To battle tariffs will need a...
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    Trump administration 2024-2028

    As I understand the Norwegian wealth fund it also has a few different aspects: 1) most production is offshore in what we'd call "federal" waters. So from day 1 it was largely a national company working on developing it. Private companies also operate but they pay significantly higher royalty...
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    Army Reserve Restructuring

    Still recall one of the first wildfire deployments and the Plans chief was doing the incident plan via a laptop of his pick up one page printing at a time while another member was tracing maps via a sketch from Ops on the situation taped to one side of a window and blank paper on the other side...
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    Army Reserve Restructuring

    I read through the article and my initial thought was it was a recipe for disaster...and I'm pro CAF reservists getting formal training on Mutual Aid. The key arguments of using reserve units to man an area as: a) first on scene - if you don't have red and blue lights good luck beating police...
  17. F

    Special Service Medal - Domestic Operations Bar

    Thanks for the paper Svanen. It unfortunately tends to focus mostly on the overseas awards especially the confusion around Afghanistan service awards and the differences occurring depending on rotation, area deployed, Armed Forces served under and multiple changes to the award criteria mid...
  18. F

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    I guess that's sort of what I was picturing. Something big enough to reach open water especially coastal islands chains like the West Coast, small enough to ship into the Great Lakes if needed, and still effective on a support mission like OP CARRIBE. Was thinking it was the sort of...
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    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    I don't know much about boats vs. ships other than some cost a crap ton of money and others make for better pirate ships than others. But to my limited mind I think of deep ocean RCN vessels which are the frigates and supply ships - I guess what some call blue water navy. And then I think of...
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    CMMA - replacing the CP140 Aurora

    Here's a counter proposition based upon a recent civilian fleet purchase: https://www.daher.com/en/daher-aircraft-delivers-the-first-tbm-960-birddog-airplanesto-conair-in-support-of-wildfire-air-attack-missions/ Bird dog aircraft (the ones that guide in and direct the water bombers) usually...