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Search results

  1. Krypto

    March Madness - Selection Boards 07

    I've got an ROTP application open for pilot. I did aircrew selection in February, and I know at least 3 of the guys I was on that course with have already gotten their offers. I got a call today from my recruiter saying that there are boards sitting tomorrow, and they're saying I have a better...
  2. Krypto


    It's not about preparation, just curiosity. Specifically needles, though.Otherwise is it just a repeat of the medical at the recruiting center?
  3. Krypto

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Dates are approximate... Recruting Center: Kitchener, ON Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: Officer, ROTP Trade Choice 1: Pilot Trade Choice 2: Air Nav Trade Choice 3: AEC (already disqualified for that one, though) Application Date: Late Sept 2006 First Contact: Early October 2006 Med...
  4. Krypto


    Sorry to resurrect such an old thread, but I'll be going on aircrew selection in the next two weeks, and I'm curious about the medical testing in Toronto. I'd just like to know exactly what they do in terms of tests and such and what they're checking for? I just tend to get pretty nervous about...
  5. Krypto

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    Good to know, thought I meant mainly about working at a cadet unit during the school year, assuming they have an opening.
  6. Krypto

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    I assume the same rules would apply with a cadet unit? Does this even happen?
  7. Krypto

    Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

    The Czech had me when they showed the Hind. The Soviets had some sweet hardware.
  8. Krypto

    The Apache Longbow

    I totally understnad what you're saying. My point was that I just don't see it happening any time soon, as I said because of all the catch-up buying we're doing now. My comment about losses is based solely on our current situation. We have troops and Leopards (or other vehicles) now, and...
  9. Krypto

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    In my case, it's weird. Im quite sure it's not lactose intolerance, because I can drink milk by the gallon, and I'm a cheese fanatic. The second ice cream touches my lips, however, my stomach constricts in agony. My "attacks" are also triggered by other random things, like certain canned soups...
  10. Krypto

    Marriage and recruiting

    Hoenymoon? No conflict there: we're too poor to go on one. Her sister entered us in a ton of contests under our names to win trips and such, and the ONE draw she entered in her own name, she won. So my brother and sister in law are going to St Maarten for my honeymoon. So nice of them to take...
  11. Krypto

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    Luckily, between cadets and the reserves, I've sampled the culinary wonders of the CF and, with one exception (curse you, chocolate milk! ), had no problems. In fact, IMP's give me the opposite problem of IBS, and that's all I'm going to say.
  12. Krypto

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    Right. Search. Sorry abou that, I should know by now! I found this here: The thread is from 2005, so I figure this could just act a bump or new thread, if the mods are ok with that, and if anyone else has anything to ask or add.
  13. Krypto

    Veterans Green, Waterloo

    Argh, I wanted to be there, but I had to work that day. I could hear the walls rumbling and caught a glimpse of the Harvards flying by, and it tore me up to be stuck in that godforsaken hole. I hate my job with a passion and hope it goes out of business (after I get into ROTP and quit of...
  14. Krypto

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    I searched dnd's site, and googled the night away, but can't find any information on the CF's stand on accepting people with IBS, which I have, other than the usual catch-all statement of "any condition which could hamper the ability to perfomr duties" or whatnot. Does anybody know about this...
  15. Krypto

    The Apache Longbow

    Barring some completely unforseen turn of events (and more importantly funding), I don't see Canada getting Apaches at all. As great an aircraft as it is, it's quite specialized in its role (relatively speaking) and we simply can't afford to put such a large portion of our limited resources...
  16. Krypto


    Referring to the original post: I was in RHFC in high school. I don't remember details, but I do know the white hackle is a specific battle honour from WW2. I can't find any links to back that up, but I learned this on my BMQ learning the history of the unit.
  17. Krypto

    Marriage and recruiting

    I've applied for ROTP at civy U as a pilot, air nav and aerospace controller. I'm going for the medical on Monday, and my interview hopefully soon after. I'm also engaged to an amazing young woman, and we're getting married in October of 2007. This was planned and booked before I ever applied...
  18. Krypto

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    I'm a bit confused... Various posters have said you need a leave pass for any leave, but how to they distinguish leave from "school time" during the year? For example: The few weeks between school and training in the summer is pretty clearly "leave" and you're under the military's close...
  19. Krypto

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    I'm currently applying for ROTP at Civy U (I'm second year at Wilfrid Laurier University), and I'm so glad to hear that all the stuff mentioned above is covered. My question is about the salary. Is it enough to get by? Or will I need to work part-time? I know it depends on the exact pay rate...