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  1. V

    Re-enlisting in Reserves????

    The physical aspect doesnt scare me at all.  with the workout program im on, I feel more than prepared.  its just the 'fitting in' part, if you get my meaning. 
  2. V

    Re-enlisting in Reserves????

    I guess the real question is how am I going to fit into a unit with guys/girls that are 10 years younger than me?  I dont know what the army is like now, but to see a 30+ year old private/corporal was a little rare.  Plus, if I do basic again in garisson with the training det, how long will it...
  3. V

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    I would be going into a different trade, so I dont care about previous rank or previous trade courses, I would just prefer to avoid doing basic again and get right into my 'new' trade. 
  4. V

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    I was released from the Primary Reserve in Feb 1997, I re-applied for Re-enrollment to the reserves in October of 2006 but its already August of 2007 and still waiting for VFS, Have I missed the window to be granted RSBP?  It might have an impact on my continued interest as im 32 years old now.
  5. V

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    I was going through CFRC Winnipeg.  I havent cancelled my application, but with the nature of my civilian job (network administrator), I dont see how I would be able to get time off for summer training.  as it stands, im not holding my breath anymore.  if the recruiting center calls and things...
  6. V

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    Sadly, ive been waiting 4 months so far and I cant wait anymore.  I've accepted a full time civvy job, sorry CF but I just cant wait for ya.  Rather ridiculous considering we're somewhat a nation "at war". 
  7. V

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    I really hope they hurry up, im rapidly approaching my 10 year mark since I got out and I'd really like to get RSBP (recruit school bypass).  id much rather jump right into my new trade than be practicing an "advance in review order" on some parade square.
  8. V

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    I've already perused the boards and noticed a definate trend in the time a VFS takes.  seems like 6-9 months is the average, which is depressing. I have a few questions: 1.  is this acurate?  what is a no-bullsh**t time frame? 2.  why does CFRC continue to tell me "two weeks", like its some...
  9. V

    Re-enlisting in Reserves????

    Hi all.  perhaps i'll just dive in and try to explain my re-enlistment situation. 1992 I joined the P Res Infantry.  Completed QL2/3.  I was fairly active member of my unit for 5 years.  In 1997, I was going through some personal/family related issues (nothing illegal) and failed to meet...