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  1. Simpson

    Tribute Video

    A Dedication to the Soldiers Few words can trully express what the soldiers feel when they are overseas serving. Hopefully images do a better job... This is for our Canadian boys in Afghanistan... Ducimus! Added  May 22, 2006 From  Pat360 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-ED3nIGnm4 Not Mine...
  2. Simpson

    Tribute Video

    Lets never forget our Canadians Soldiers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-KJuLzZILg :salute: not mine
  3. Simpson

    Tribute Video

    Not Mine. As we move ahead into this new century we must take time to remember those individuals who gave their lives in defense of our freedom.We have written and produced this musical presentation to honor the veterans of Canada's Two World Wars. ...
  4. Simpson

    Canada-Afghanistan : A new found respect for our troops.....

    :cdn: :'( Well said and about all that be said after that is amen. :salute: