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  1. Bobby Rico

    Life as a Recruit

    (warning- don't expect a lot of continuity in this post- I'm just writing down my various thoughts and such) Howdy folks, Been awhile since I posted here last.  Have been living it up in St. Jean for the past month and a few weeks- finally got some time off what with the school being closed...
  2. Bobby Rico

    2nd Grader Suspended for Drawing Gun

    Yeeeeeah...that's getting a little out of hand.  I guarantee the mentality there is they think they're preventing future gun violence in schools by suspending some poor kid for drawing a gun.  What a crock of shit.  These people need therapy.
  3. Bobby Rico

    Punk Rock Fans

    Damn, I'm gonna be stuck in St Jean on the 16th, otherwise I'd be all over that ticket.
  4. Bobby Rico

    Origin of Hoo-ah

    Well, the marines do say Ooh-rah, James.  Either Jericho's writers fubbed when they said the Marines never say 'ooh-rah' or you meant to say Marines never say 'Hoo-ah'.  They're two different grunts with completely different origins.  As I understand, the origin of 'Ooh-rah' comes from World War...
  5. Bobby Rico

    A criticism

    George-  Valid point.  And you're right, the RSM would have complete right to come down on me.  But would he do so tastefully, and respectfully?  I would hope to think that I as a member of his regiment, would do so respectfully and tactfully, and if possible, in private, and not attempt to bait...
  6. Bobby Rico

    A criticism

    I didn't know where else to post this but I figured I'd put it here so it doesn't interrupt the flow of any existing topic- I do have a small criticism I'd like to bring to the mod's attention.  I realize I risk a significant lowering of my rating for making this post, but it is important to me...
  7. Bobby Rico

    Shake Hands with the Devil now a movie

    Regarding the book that this movie is based off of- I've read the Lion, The Fox and the Eagle, and found that to be quite interesting and insightful on the politics that surrounded the mission to Rwanda, and the aftermath as well as the UNPROFOR mission in Sarajevo.  Has anyone read both?  How...
  8. Bobby Rico

    It's art: MIT student arrested with fake bomb (CTV)

    What a stooge...Would have benefited the rest of society if they had shot her.
  9. Bobby Rico

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    I see this as all a lot of posturing by the French.  I think they still want to feel like they're involved in International affairs beyond the UN.  It will be interesting to see however whether the current French Prez is just another fence-sitter ala Chirac, or if he'll actually surprise...
  10. Bobby Rico

    A bit about me

    Excellent Kertys!  I've been following your story for awhile.  Hate to sound like a broken record around here, but yours truly is an inspirational story.  Good luck.  Hope to see you in October.
  11. Bobby Rico

    Leopard 2 Pictures

    Geo, Wasn't that as a result of lack of budget to be able to continue supporting the Leo 1?  (serious question- not trying be a prick, I'm legitimately curious)  I'd thought financial constraints played a part in the decision to sideline the Leos.
  12. Bobby Rico

    Another Candidate for the Darwin Awards

    Ahh, the Darwin awards.  Those are great.  Pretty hilarious stories in there, like guy trying to clean chimney with hand grenade.  Or one of my personal favorites, guy shooting himself in foot while in bed, mistaking the silhouette of his feet in the darkness as a home invader.
  13. Bobby Rico

    Leopard 2 Pictures

    Seriously.  I'm sure had a conservative government not been elected, we'd probably still have the Leopard 1s in storage, and be a non-tank supporting army.  What a concept. Now, as for those attack helicopters.  ;D
  14. Bobby Rico

    Leopard 2 Pictures

    Sweeeeeet.  I'm still in mild shock that we, CANADA, have a good tank.  Next thing you know we'll be getting attack helicopters. And next think you know hell might freeze over.
  15. Bobby Rico

    USAF Missing Nukes

    I suppose I should have said "What if they'd been on a live fire exercise, near the Iran border?" wink-wink, nudge-nudge! Not that I'm trying to suggest anything. Who me?  No, no, never.  what happened?  ;D
  16. Bobby Rico

    USAF Missing Nukes

    Very careless.  What if they'd been on a live fire exercise?
  17. Bobby Rico

    Canada's gaining world's respect

    I don't know if it's irony or poetry, but it always seems to be the military that gets people's attention and respect when it comes to this country.  Personally, I think that's a pretty good sentiment for our boys and girls in uniform. In response to the article- I've been on the fence in the...
  18. Bobby Rico

    World's worst music videos

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-4VOLeKBOw This one fits in the category of awesome song, intentionally bad video- so bad that it's good.
  19. Bobby Rico

    History Channel - Dogfights

    Anyone catch this show on the History Channel?  As a long time fighter plane buff and aficionado, this show is like a dream come true for me.  True accounts of actual dogfights, in addition to some superb computer generated effects (yes, they're not the best, but they're damn good for their...
  20. Bobby Rico

    Eating Right, On a Budget

    Ah damn, I knew I forgot something!  ;D