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  1. D

    Uninformed chatter on the wars in the Sandbox....

    Gee, well if someone of such high intellectual calibre as an ANA recruit thinks I'm wrong for opposing the conflict then I guess I should just shut up and support the carnage. 'Git them opium-growers! On second thought, nawww...
  2. D

    Uninformed chatter on the wars in the Sandbox....

    I am finding proof of Afghan hostility for those confused by the assertion our troops might not be welcome. In the meantime I wanted to counter some of Dglad's arguments. Dglad wrote: "The truly glaring flaw in Deserter's argument is conflating Iraq and Afghanistan.  They are two different...
  3. D

    Uninformed chatter on the wars in the Sandbox....

    Go onto google and search for Rukia Afghanistan children.  This one account is hosted by university websites (.edu), blogs, online journals and other sites. Or just type in the words civilian casualties afghanistan and you can find many similar accounts.  Why do you seem so incredulous?
  4. D

    Uninformed chatter on the wars in the Sandbox....

    Someone posted the thoughts of an Afghan who gave a speech in which she supported the war.  Here's a statement from an actual Afghan still living in the country that couldn't escape the US-led attack on the country. "...For Rukia the worst day of the war was the day she lost all five of her...
  5. D

    Uninformed chatter on the wars in the Sandbox....

    Wow, a lot of anger on this board. As far as Karzai is concerned, I thought it was important to point out that he is a religious fundamentalist in many ways.  He broke with the Taliban, but for tactical reasons not moralistic ones. It's important to look at thing from the insurgents point of...
  6. D

    Uninformed chatter on the wars in the Sandbox....

    The United Nations? This is the same organization you guys have been bashing for years.  It is dominated by the wealthy nations that have a controlling stake in the operation of that body.  It is not that surprising they have given the official stamp of approval to the Afghan mission, given...
  7. D

    Uninformed chatter on the wars in the Sandbox....

    Dannatt is only saying what anti-war protesters have ben saying all along.  Afghanistan is in the same shape (increasing insurgency, more casualties, government collapse) Not only should NATO forces keave Iraq and Afghanistan, but the United NAtions should bring charges of war crimes against...
  8. D

    Uninformed chatter on the wars in the Sandbox....

    Canadian soldiers are committing ethnic cleansing in southern Afghanistan.  Canada is not helping Afghan citizens, we are murdering them.  Having killed thousands of Afghans opposed to our occupying forces in recent months alone, our soldiers are sacrificing Afghans themselves, particularly...