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  1. F

    Malware Alert - MS Antivirus 2008 and variants.

    I was redirected to a suspicious site earlier today when I did a search on Wikipedia. I think it used an embedded redirect somewhere in the html, but I never did figure out exactly where or how -- and of course Wikipedia has nobody to contact about the issue.  Thus I suspect some high volume...
  2. F

    Ignorant Civies

    That would kind of depend on what the civilian in question said, who they were, and the circumstances... (perhaps you could elaborate?)
  3. F

    The School Funding Thread- Merged

    On your first point, children have different rights, but as a general rule I do not agree that the a child's rights are immediately trumped by a parents religious rights.  On your second point, it is not widely agreed that parents have carte blanche when it comes to the upbringing and education...
  4. F

    The School Funding Thread- Merged

    Inflammatory and opinion laden ... absolutely!  You can say I'm wrong but you can't say I'm wishy-washy or afraid of holding an unpopular opinion (and how boring these forums would be if everyone agreed with me.)  However, I'm not fabricating or exaggerating anything, so my opinions are 'based...
  5. F

    The School Funding Thread- Merged

    The religious person you are talking about is the parent. Children don't have a religion, it is the parents that have the religion. It is limits of their rights as parents that are in question, and it seems clear to me that the rights of the child and setting good social policy are what is most...
  6. F

    The War of 1812 Merged Thread

    I suspect the war of 1812 gets little mention in the USA out of sheer jealously.  With each passing generation, more and more Americans fantasise about burning down the White House, but the poor sods will just never get the chance. ;D
  7. F

    Ahmadinejad Speaks at Columbia University

    Here is the full text to Ahmadinejad's UN speech: http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/library/news/iran/2007/iran-070926-irna01.htm
  8. F

    Ahmadinejad Speaks at Columbia University

    Good point. I would imagine your religion (or lack of one) would also affect your experience -- most particularly if you happen to be identifiably Jewish.
  9. F

    Ahmadinejad Speaks at Columbia University

    I chatted with some Arab students (I'm not sure of the exact nationality) on the campus of my university some years back.  The world view they expressed was jaw-dropping -- scary ideas of wild Jewish conspiracies that control the world (and the USA in particular).  At the time, I was floored...
  10. F

    Ahmadinejad Speaks at Columbia University

    Absolutely. I'd like to think that was never a danger though. His speech certainly emphasises that he is completely full of sh*t, but how far out on the left wing does one have to be not to have smelled that coming before he spoke.  I still strongly agree with allowing him to speak -- just as I...
  11. F

    Ahmadinejad Speaks at Columbia University

    I'm sure this one will be flogged absolutely to death in the media, but if you live under a rock here is some "fair and balanced" coverage.  ;D http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,297621,00.html Personally, I'm astonished that so many Americans seem to have (already) been whipped into such a...
  12. F

    Pilotless drones eyed to replace CF-18s

    Of course civilian airlines and friendly forces counted in my tally! All I was saying was that it would be at least possible to program a computer to recognise friendlies and civilian aircraft.  I can't even conceive of a computer program that could deal with anything but the most idealised...
  13. F

    New Server Hardware In Place!

    Interesting ... I've never heard of the 'Simple Machines' BB software.  I'll have to check it out, thanks!
  14. F

    New Server Hardware In Place!

    I have to say this is a beautifully laid-out bulletin-board -- probably the best I've seen anywhere (my compliments!).  Out of curiosity is this a Linux/PHP/MySQL/PHPBB setup, an MS Windows-based machine of some kind, or something else?
  15. F

    Pilotless drones eyed to replace CF-18s

    Ah..thanks for the clarification.  Yes, I do expect autonomous vehicles and ships could happen too, but I think dealing with the situation on the ground is a tougher problem (for a computer) than something like air-to-air combat.  In the air a computer would not have to deal so much with...
  16. F

    Pilotless drones eyed to replace CF-18s

    Perhaps my terminology is wrong ... I mean an autonomous, computer-controlled aircraft. Whatever that would be called in military linguo (?)
  17. F

    Pilotless drones eyed to replace CF-18s

    I expect that in the short term pilotless drones can't completely replace human pilots, but the writing is certainly on the wall.  IMHO, it won't be too long before it will be suicide for a human try to engage in aerial combat (Hollywood may look ridiculous now, but if anything they are probably...
  18. F

    Afghanistan: Why we should be there (or not), how to conduct the mission (or not) & when to leave

    "Only 6.4%". That's putting the best face on it I guess, but I don't think I'd like my chances if you factored in, say, 10 years of school.  As to the girls, I wish we could teach the them to shoot and to fight ... it might then become a little harder to murder them in cold blood for wanting to...
  19. F

    US Military Casualties Are Down

    Here is coverage by the BBC: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/6982364.stm
  20. F

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    As long as American (and allied) troops are protected in Iraq, I say blow that reactor (and any facilities you can find) straight to hell ASAP =)  If you accidentally hit Ahmedinejad in the process, I wouldn't cry about it ... I'm just pointing out the next guy could be worse. Anyway, just my...