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  1. DeltaWhiskey

    Laying pipe in Newfoundland.

    Yes, true. They can't afford the gas out, so now they have "correspondents" at various points on the island.  ;) Actually, it's Labrador that gets left out. Since the advent of the digital camera, though,  every man, woman, and child has become a reporter for NTV.  :)
  2. DeltaWhiskey

    Laying pipe in Newfoundland.

    If I were a bettin' man, and I ain't, I'd say that the pictures were definitely not taken in NL. If they were, it would have most definitely been on NTV. Nothing happens here and gets past the evening news. In fact, something of this nature would likely make Jim Furlong's Newsmaker of the Week...
  3. DeltaWhiskey

    Soldier Qualification Course (Questions & Answers)

    Thanks, MikeL, for answering my questions. Fieldcraft is pretty much what I thought it may be. BTW, I did search, but the information was scattered and varied. Thanks again.
  4. DeltaWhiskey

    Soldier Qualification Course (Questions & Answers)

    Guys, could someone help me out with a few  multiple questions, please?  :) First, what exactly does "fieldcraft" refer to (As in "perform individual fieldcraft".)? Second, when you are enrolled in SQ, does the location of where you take it necessarily correspond to where you are likely to be...
  5. DeltaWhiskey

    What happens if you fail BMQ?

    If a recruit were to suffer an injury, how does it play out from there? Do you return home, heal up, then return within a specified time and based on a doctor's O.K.? Curious...about four years back I worked with a girl who broke her arm during Basic Training. She was, consequently, sent home...
  6. DeltaWhiskey

    Communicator Research

    Good one. LOL  :D
  7. DeltaWhiskey

    Informing Family and Friends

    Very well put.
  8. DeltaWhiskey

    Informing Family and Friends

    Or, if my advice fails, do what he says.  ;D
  9. DeltaWhiskey

    Informing Family and Friends

    Yeah. I get the "What about Afghanistan?" line, as well. I've only just submitted my application, and I bet I've heard that one no less than 10-15 times already.  :) As I said, I'm not in the CF yet, and I have no one to explain myself to when/if accepted. I'm certain you feel the honour in...
  10. DeltaWhiskey

    Communicator Research

    Yes, the CF website does state that graduates will be posted to Leitrim. I'm wondering when would the other posting opportunities possibly become available? I'm guessing there are many factors like personnel needs, positions available, experience of the individual, etc., that affect this...
  11. DeltaWhiskey

    Communicator Research

    Excellent, thanks. *Just an edit to ask a question, here.* The recruiting website states there are opportunities to work in places like Texas, Maryland, California, and Hawaii, etc. Is it likely to get a chance at these posts for someone new to the CF and the trade in particular, or does this...
  12. DeltaWhiskey

    Communicator Research

    Correct, Crantor. Information at the link that sigtech posted states that the VIE varies from one occupation to another. So, it's 4 years, hey (plus additional time punched in training for the occupation). I couldn't access the link you provided, Crantor. (Ever since I upgraded Internet...
  13. DeltaWhiskey

    Communicator Research

    "Every day is a school day." Thanks, sigtech.  :)
  14. DeltaWhiskey

    Communicator Research

    Guys, what is the Variable Initial Engagement duration for this trade? (I hope I stated that correctly.) Thanks.
  15. DeltaWhiskey

    inside look at RFT

    All points here well taken, Sig_Des.  :)
  16. DeltaWhiskey

    inside look at RFT

    I should take this opportunity to say that I may, afterall, not have to go the RFT route anyway. I don't necessarily forsee any/many problems with the regular PT, but that remains to be seen. George Wallace, you're just getting down to personal attacks here now. I have no problem whatsoever...
  17. DeltaWhiskey

    inside look at RFT

    Yeah, it's a funny thing that "simplicity" factor.
  18. DeltaWhiskey

    inside look at RFT

    Sig_Des, Well, I don't think this is going to get far. We could stay here all night arguing back and forth, as it were. I can see exactly where you are coming from on not wanting the RFT program to become open flood gates letting in every person who's definitely not capable of doing the job -...
  19. DeltaWhiskey

    inside look at RFT

    Gunner98, re-read my post, and I'm certain that the claritiy of it will come to you. Physical and mental betterment is equally achievable through the CF. If this were not the case, there would be little need for additional PT and classroom/field learning (i.e. Basic Training)...no? Some enter...
  20. DeltaWhiskey

    inside look at RFT

    I wasn't going to get into this, but I will. First, Sig_Des, I don't think you fully understood what I meant when I said you exemplified my post. What I was referring to was the comment about a "fat-camp/free personal fitness program"...it's childish. Second, your analogy of the university is...