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  1. anna-823

    YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!

    well not only in italy, the guys travelled quite a lot from a country to another! in estonia they competed against them.. this is how it went basically, dunno the rules of it though (meaning who goes where n what?)
  2. anna-823

    YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!

    Pohjolainen? that´s quite a common last name. i´m sure i know SOME, but at the moment, not so sure.. man, i´m so tired, but can´t sleep cause of the back ache.  :( :cdn:
  3. anna-823

    YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!

    ..got some russian blood as well.. ;D what a crazy mixture, huh ;D where do your finnish buddys live, helsinki? this is small city, might even know the guys ;D
  4. anna-823

    YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!

    ..well thanks a lot, sweetiepie ;)  :salute:! no, it wasn´t just the march - there were all kinds of different competitions, like obstacle tracks and such.. but the walk, that amazed me - guys walked the 150km and then partied like never before. excellent work! :salute: you all in such a good...
  5. anna-823

    YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!

    ..so, no boot camps for foreigners at the moment, huh? At least that´s what I was told on the phone couple of days ago.
  6. anna-823

    YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!

  7. anna-823

    YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!

    yea well now it´s 3 months sick leave at first (great :rage:), check-ups all the time of course, then well.. supposed to be as good as new.. maybe just a BIT tougher right ;D =......me, the Iron Woman!!!  ;D so no sleep for me, at least today... what is the time there anyways? i´m 3:59am, blah :P
  8. anna-823

    YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!

    ..so the competition had some sort of a name of course, don´t remember, but at least in estonia the guys had to walk 150km. --and! they still had the energy to party like ME!! =crazed beast basically ;D ..so, gotta appreciate that, huh ;) you guys´d never guess what happened to me then. okey...
  9. anna-823

    Favourite War Movies

    ..band of brothers, by faaaaaaaaar!! :salute:
  10. anna-823

    YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!

    thanks! no as far as i can remember (from all the vodka-redbulls... ;D)i think the guys lost to germans, but they beat the yanks, finns, estonians - i guess as well - although they cheated, them naughty naughty boys! :threat:
  11. anna-823

    Favourite War Movies

    ..band of brothers, by far! :salute:
  12. anna-823

    YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!

    ..a certain bunch kickin some serious butt in the competition in Europe n elsewhere!
  13. anna-823

    YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!

    ..should i tell or should i not..  :salute:!
  14. anna-823

    YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!

    ..just met some of you guys last week.. you guys rock!! :salute: super-trouper shape, handle all the psychological weight as well, never get tired, always alert n prepared,  AND: when it´s time to party, you can seriously do it like animals ;D i just love you guys! :cdn: ps. ..soldier, gimme 200...