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  1. V

    Retire from CAF and entering Fed PS [Merged]

    Just a general 'broad view' of things: By taking the 'double dip' now, that is a pension and a paycheck: you will have a lot of individual and emmediate freedom of choice, you can invest the extra, increase your standard of living, take that long far away trip once a year and generally have an...
  2. V

    Finances Release

    sweet good job! you wont regret it when your sick and tired of working for a living. Mine went in at 80grande in january: bad timeing, lmao...got about 60k of that now...but thinking long long term its allright...will recoup.
  3. V

    Finances Release

    Here is the answer your looking for from someone not 'tied tothe system' like what seems to be happening in my thread asking about a paid move after release... You wanna know can you get a pension later in life if you cash out your pension now? I assume your all well and healthy as you quoted a...
  4. V

    question from a fellow soldier from holland

    While protecting my 'anon' interweb guise, I still want to say the SigsPig in the Golan Heights was fun, and did a heck of a lot for moral...ah, that poor Sig O happened to be stuck with it three weeks out of four...good times, good times.  I do not have a copy of the rules, but I can add this...
  5. V

    Shilo BMQ/SQ 2005

    :crybaby: This may be considered Trolling, however: Recruiters Lie! :o Or at least they did ten years ago, short story.     Officer type recruiter, "Oh, you golf.  Be sure to take your clubs to St Jean with you, they have a golf course you can use in your spare time."     Recruit Vain0, "...
  6. V

    Sig Op to Lineman????

    yeah, its called alcohol ;D
  7. V

    Signal Operator Breakdown & Deployment Duties?

    I don't know too much about the Sig O's prospects or career direction, but I have noticed over ten years as a troopie that I seem to bump into the same ones on a regular basis...as though they individually train for a specific path. Therefore I suspect, highly, that as a Sig O you will be...
  8. V

    291 courses

    Bump. I want to keep this thread alive for new 291'ers (000120'ers doesn't roll of the tongue as easy). Over the last five years there has been an exceptional backlog in clearance work for 291'ers.  I strongly believe the trade is worth the wait, but you have to be prepared for the wait. ...
  9. V

    291 amalgamation ???

    Mosart.  As far back as my ten year memory goes I have heard of this Mosart project, however, for that very reason I doubt we will see anything concrete for some time to come.  Several folks have meetings, consult, maybe even make the troops fill out questionnaires every now and again. Then more...
  10. V

    Sig Ops - Advanced MOC Opportunities?

    Advanced MOC courses seems to me to be a pretty broad concept.  Line Maintainers might go to Florida to take a bonding and grounding course, or receive thourough fibre optics training, is this advanced?  The 6a's for Sgt's might be considered advanced MOC training.  Regardless, it is certain...
  11. V

    Celebrating, bragging and complaining all at once: I just finished 10 years in.

    This week marks my TEN YEARS in point, so I thought I should take a week off to celebrate, and even join the forums here.  Have read them on and off for some time now, and I am convinced it is a good sight. Especially for the newer folks to get a handle on what to expect.  I think I am a...