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  1. I

    "Worst Movie Of All Time"

    Worst movie ever = "The Hours" My wife dragged me out to see it and then fell asleep halfway through it. Incredibly boring movie. I would have walked out but I didn't want to wake her up.
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    GG to Unveil CAN VC This Week

    Some internal communication on the subject of the VC at Natural Resources Canada. This is not confidential information and is contributed because people seem interested in the subject. *********************************************************************************************** At 11:00...
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    A Threatening Future and a Plan for Action

    "...then you need to study recent world conflicts if you wish your posts to be taken seriously." With all do respect I couldn't care less if you take me seriously or not. The Ruxted Group on the other hand specifically states on its home page that it wants to be "Professional, honest, accurate...
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    A Threatening Future and a Plan for Action

    I have to agree with BKells, there are a few aspects of this editorial which make it difficult to take seriously. 1). References to the "Three wise men". The references are unprofesional and have quasi religious undertones. The references to the "Three wise men" also distract from the overall...
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    The Geek Test:

    SCA = The Society for Creative Anachronism. Essentially a group of people who get together in order to hit each other with real swords, although it's more complicated then that... 37.27- Major Geek
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    Taliban Target Canadian Troops

    I personally don't see the problem with our elected representatives voting on the mission in 2009. If there is a valid reason for continuing the mission at that point (I think there is but a lot can change in 17 months) and it can be communicated to the Canadian public then we will probably stay...
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    Unusual storm breaks weather in Afghanistan (AP)

    I remember reading somewhere that modern war has an effect on the local weather. That some of the biggest extremes of weather happened in europe during WWI and WWII and that Korea and Vietnam had wacky weather during the wars fought there. The theory was that it had something to do with the use...
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    British sailors arrested at gunpoint by Iranian navy.

    "The Chinese didnt shoot down the P-3 did they ? The Chinese didnt force the plane to land in their territory did they ? In fact despite the declared in flight emergency the Chinese almost didnt allow the plane to land. Very different circumstance to what we see in Iran today." The P-3 was...
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    British sailors arrested at gunpoint by Iranian navy.

    It is notable that Victor Davis Hanson makes absolutely no mention of the P-3 incident in which a similar number of americans were captured by the chinese under similar circumstances. Possibly because it completely undermines the entire premise of his article. I find this is a common problem...
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    good 22LR pistol

    "...more specifically Energy & Mines, Explosives Regulatory Division..." http://www.nrcan-rncan.gc.ca/mms/explosif/over/over_e.htm Generally a good group of people, at least the ones at the Bells Corners Complex.
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    Britain sending Warrior missiles to Afghanistan

    Oops that should have been aerodynamics not thermodynamics... ...preview is my friend...
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    Britain sending Warrior missiles to Afghanistan

    "The list of extra equipment includes ... and four extra Sea King helicopters. ...". There must be some mistake. I remember reading on this site, repeatedly, that the laws of physics and thermodynamics prevent the Sea King from flying in Afghanistan.  ???
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    Canada's Leopard 2 Purchase

    The source of the $189 million quotation. http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/World/WarOnTerrorism/2006/11/07/2276127-cp.html
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    Canada's Leopard 2 Purchase

    Warning: Ignorant Civilian Question The media is reporting that it's costing aprox. $189 million to transport 19 tanks, assorted engineering kit and counter mortar to afghanistan. Presumably it will cost a similar amount to bring it back when we're done over there. I've also read elsewhere on...
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    Traveling to Cuba, any precautions needed?

    I would also recommend not being too adventurous while you're there, stick with the tour group/resort. When I was there a couple of tourists managed to get their rented scooters into a restricted area. Apparently it was poorly marked and they managed to talk their way out of any bad consequences...
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    Liberals Diss PM on His Comments on AFG Mission

    I respectfully disagree. I'm a civilian and I understood the PM's comments, my wife is a civilian (and always has been) and she understood the PM's comments. The concept that he was raising has parallels in civilian life, often with the same consequences (think paramedics, firefighters and police). 
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    In reply to all the liberal bashing

    "All parties go bad given time" Very true. Give the conservatives long enough in power and they'll be as corrupt as the liberals.
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    Merged Quotes and Sayings Thread; some useful, some junk

    Mortar guy and Strike; I was in BOTC summer '94 as well. I'm a civilian now but I'm going to have to dig up my old course t-shirt to find out which platoon I was in (C company I think). We had this WO who would start swearing in french under his breath at the start of inspection and wouldn't...
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    pistols/ hand guns

    +1 on the .22 LR. I first started shooting pistols about a year ago at a club that has both .22 LR and center fire pistols. Long story short; I didn't start learning how to shoot until I put down the .40 and started working on the 'plinking' pistols. Rugger is a good name and popular, I...