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  1. BrianWL

    CDS General Eyre announces retirement

    uhm. can you hone this down to a single question as opposed to an interrogation?
  2. BrianWL

    Active Shooter / Hostile Event ( ASHE ) prevention / response

    wow! thats quite a voluminous way of saying that this call was pooched because a mouse was given responsibility that would have been better handled by an experienced street patrol officer and/or patrol sergeant. most of the senior police leaders I have worked with and for - are...
  3. BrianWL

    Burglar Beaten With His Own Bat. Victim Charged

    no apology required .....its me who had the marbles in my mouth.....
  4. BrianWL

    Petawawa Master-Warrant Officer faces drug and human trafficking charges

    good on you for clarifying what clearly is a murky and complex story.
  5. BrianWL

    Burglar Beaten With His Own Bat. Victim Charged

    Can't self defend yourself down the block because the system is broke. need the system to get unbroken. some day. not under the current regime.
  6. BrianWL

    CDS General Eyre announces retirement

    power is the payment.
  7. BrianWL

    6 B.C. search and rescue leaders pen finger-pointing letter to provincial government

    Dwight Yoachim. Thats the best handle I have read in a long while......at any rate. Volunteer groups have a tough enough time training sufficiently and deploying enough people and deploy long enough to finiish the search task, let alone do staff work. Sounds like the BC government doesn't...
  8. BrianWL

    Army Reserve Restructuring

    and to boot - DCO's for what in reality is a Coy, multiple CSM's for effective strength platoons and all the way down. more money for better usages. always liked earning voting rights through service to country
  9. BrianWL

    Army Reserve Restructuring

    Patricias for the West, RCR's for Ontario, Vandoos pour Quebec, and find an old Maritime Regiment for the East Coasties.........Regs and Res battalions for each. Can still use former Regimental names for the sub - units as has been done in the UK. For future expansion of the army if we ever...
  10. BrianWL

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    we need to be kicked out of the associations we value most for profit. and not allowed back in until we pony up the funds like all the other bang on
  11. BrianWL

    Happy National Physician Assistant Day

    second that! special shout out to my brother who s a former CAF PA who continues to deliver plenty of PA good in the civvy world....
  12. BrianWL

    Transition to Municipal Police Force

    nation wide problem. understaff patrol to staff up everything else.
  13. BrianWL

    Informing the Army’s Future Structure

    quick google for Peter MacKay's 6 years of being the MND did not lead to a whole lot of what he advocates for here in 2023. Stymied by Harper perhaps.
  14. BrianWL

    Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

    already done for a couple of the author's. im more interested in what will be the reality rather than the prediction. the UN Outer Space Treaty indicates that space is for everyone. doubt that will work out that way.
  15. BrianWL

    Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

    which raises the point.....what will extra planetary colonization look like. IE). I was in the first wave. your in the 30th wave - im more Martian than you are.
  16. BrianWL


    universal service. or offer up educational, housing and financial incentives in a big way. people won't join up because its the right thing to do any more. or so it appears......
  17. BrianWL

    Grooming Standards in Police, Emergency Services

    these days, its a victory just getting people to show up and strap in. start disciplining some of the sons/daughters of anarchy look alikes will lead to less on the road where we're already woefully short.