Dad's Army didn't see much action, so made for good postwar comedy - but even after all these decades interesting to think what they would have done if the invasion had happened.
Some food for thought here, I found this an interesting read...
Does anyone think that creating a Home Guard/Civil Defense/Territorial Defence Force (call it it what you want) is an option for Canada?
Poland just announced some level of basic military training for all it's able bodied adult male population or maybe it could look more like Sweden's Civil...
I'll be away for a few days away with no computer access so I'll open it up to whoever wants to go next
The answer is Uruguayan army 14th (airborne) battalion
Many interesting ideas on this forum as usual, it's been a while but I'll wade in.
I'm just a cameraguy so I have little input when it comes to editorial content, but I do try to push positive stories on the military whenever possible, it's true that there are many ex-military types in the...
I'm going to go with a photo of uniforms/kit this time, (I know it's been done before) if it's not allowed feel free to let me know
I'll be amazed if anyone can identify the unit, but maybe the nation?
That's it, Gurgel was a Bazilian car manufacturer that tended to produce small and recreational type vehicles, the Peruvian army modified at least one as a scout vehicle and it appeared in a parade in 2005, don't know if the project progressed any further.
Your turn...
I was surprised this subject did not come up today - apologies if if it did on another thread, I could'nt find it.
Seems the PM is going to play hardball with Dion, good for him, I don't think many Canadians want to see another election but I really think we need to clear the air (again) on...
So if our future Chinooks get to Afghanistan, they would still be relying on our NATO allies to provide escort? And that escort would likely take the form of British/US/Dutch Apaches?
A while back I remember a Toronto Star mentioned in a report that the Tories were considering armed...
I tried the search but found nothing on this - are the stretched Hercs still in service? And would they be replaced by the J's - since they are newer airframes I'd think they would not need to be replaced right away....?
Tomahawk, do you know how many 47's or any helicopters have been brought down by Taliban? (Not sure myself but the Mujahadeen did have much great anti-aircraft capability during the war with the Soviets right?) And does'nt this bring up the issue of escorting the 47's?
I agree with you completely, Lone Wolf Quagmire, still he's a pretty vile form of life. RCMP did a great job of breaking up the terror plot in Toronto a couple of years ago, it's good to hear they're monitoring this wingnut and hopefully he'll cross the line soon and get busted.
Guys like...
Are the stretched Hercs still operational? And since they are, as I understand it, newer airframes, will they be around after the earlier models are replaced?
Great pic! I've been kicking myself since August for missing a free ride on the first one on it's mercy flight to Jamaica! (It was a media photo-op and I picked a great time to be on holidays!) Maybe next time....
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