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  1. LakeSup

    Minister of National Defence and Chief of the Defence Staff travel to Arctic/NWT

    I can't believe there is not more interest in this.  We are heading into a collision course with the US over sov. and resorce rights and we had better start flexing our muscle and showing more presence than periodic "long walks" .  If you want to see the real US attitude about our terretorial...
  2. LakeSup

    MCpl. Josh Roberts - 2 PPCLI - Sat. Aug. 9 2008

  3. LakeSup

    Georgia and the Russian invasions/annexations/Lebensraum (2008 & 2015)

    I have to say, I'm quite irritated. This could be the start of a major war in Europe, and I can't even watch a damn thing about it on the News because Senator John Edwards cheated on his wife two years ago. Priorities, eh? Yeah, Midget, you have to go to BBC or any  non US media.  If the US...
  4. LakeSup


    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=492612&in_page_id=1770 Your guns are 'too violent' for Remembrance Day, mayor tells rifle regiment
  5. LakeSup

    Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

    "The National Security Council said the White House had created a team of experts to consider whether the administration needed to restrict the use of BlackBerries because of concerns about cyber espionage"...
  6. LakeSup

    Turkeys' Generals refused to attend inauguration of new President

    This isn't being covered by the MSM .....I searched and couldn't find anything on this other than the Margolis article....the BBC link was Apr 28 and not concerning this.  This is a fairly critical piece of info , if true, as the Turks/Kurds/PPK/Israel/US nexus is pretty congruent these days. ...
  7. LakeSup

    Army Songs

    "In my short career I've see no singing. Well thats not quite true. I had an instructor in Gagetown (SQ) that was ex-airborn, and we learned all sorts of good songs to run/march to. I guess each to his own"...
  8. LakeSup

    Army Songs

    As far as singing on the march not being done anymore, we really never did do it. RG:  Yeah, I've seen some US songs sung on crse marches (70s) like Airborne, Blood on the Risers and the old Sound Off song.... Nowadays the forced marches are push the limits events and not really suited to...
  9. LakeSup

    Army Songs

    Here is a topic that I have not seen here:  Army songs.  I remember when I joined in 68 we learned all the old army songs (north atlantic sqn, glenwarple highlanders, Kiss me Good Night Sgt Maj etc) on BMT.  It was a big thing on the bus/truck/march in Ont units.  I transferred to Western area...
  10. LakeSup

    Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

    Charles Krauthammer said this week:  (parphrasing)  The Chinese found out that they could commit genocide in Tibet and the world would give them a pass....but you don't mess with Elmo.
  11. LakeSup

    Airborne Wings

    Old thread but, I was wondering where the Patrol Pathfinders Badge is worn? Is it worn above the pocket instead of white leaf wings (the assumption being that any Pathfinder would be understood as a white leaf jumper and Mil Freefall)?  Or is it worn above wings? I've only seen the cloth badge...
  12. LakeSup

    The Arctic Military Base Thread [merged]

    Thanks, Kirkhall, interesting stuff.  I had read about the fossilized trees in Greenland.  I remember reading about the potential of a large undersea oil deposit near the Falklands, too, which one theory had it, was the reason that the UK defended it at such great cost.  Very expensive to get...
  13. LakeSup

    The Arctic Military Base Thread [merged]

    Looking at the map in that BBC link I don't hold much hope that Canada will have a hope at claiming more than our 200 mile limit, however, that area includes very critical shipping routes through the islands that I hope we will establish as our own territory. One thing that really is a noodle...
  14. LakeSup

    The Arctic Military Base Thread [merged]

    BBC World news  (TV) has a good piece on Harper and the new port/base plans today. 
  15. LakeSup

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    New article today: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/589c552e-45eb-11dc-b359-0000779fd2ac.html
  16. LakeSup

    Pte. Costall, USA Sgt. John Stone Killed by Fratricide

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Does anyone know if the US report is online? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  17. LakeSup

    Afghanistan: Why we should be there (or not), how to conduct the mission (or not) & when to leave

    Pretty good news out on the Brown Bush meeting (Brown Bush?  I'm getting strangely aroused) today saying that Afgn is the Central fornt on teh WOT.  Maybe we see more help there.
  18. LakeSup

    CADPAT colours

    Hilarious!!! You should have seen me after trying to solve the Cadbury Caramilk Conundrum!  Never figured that out but I think it inolves temperature differentials.  It hurt my head    and I gained 30 lbs!
  19. LakeSup

    CADPAT colours

    This is sort of a side question to this one.  How would one paint anything in CADPAT?  Is there a technique? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ It's basically the same as any candy stripe or checkerboard painting...
  20. LakeSup

    Britsh parachute trainnig - 1954 - the way it was...

    There was an old movie (Alan Ladd, I'm pretty sure) called Paratrooper about an american who joins the Brits in WW2 and takes jump training.  Has some good , through the floor, shots.  I haven't checked the google video...it could be from the same film.