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  1. L

    CBC "interactive casualty map"

    The map was posted just before Remembrance Day - it appeared then to be part of their way of remembering and honouring all soldiers.  I think that is why it focused only on the Canadian deaths, but I could be wrong.
  2. L

    Dealing with being home from Kandahar

    First and above all, thank you.  Those two little words don't even begin to say it, but those are the only words that come to mind. My boyfriend is currently serving in Afghanistan.  I never understood the "I have to go" until now, until I read your post. You and all your family (both blood...
  3. L

    Letter for CDN Military Families left behind...

    I just want to add my 2 cents here. First, thank you to the elderly lady who wanted to do a little something extra.  Really, the thought is sweet. Now, I am the girlfriend of a deployed soldier.  I get enough of the looks and the sighs and the I don't know how you do it in my day to day.  I...
  4. L

    Bombing Targets Canadian Troops - 18 Sep 06

    My guy is 2VP, fearing the worst, hoping for the best with all my heart. Thoughts and prayers go to all the fallen, the injured and everyone left behind to worry and wait.
  5. L

    Pte. Mark Anthony Graham 1 RCR - 04 Sept 06

    Thoughts and prayers to the fallen and the injured, and to those left behind to fight and worry. 
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    WO Richard Nolan RCR, WO Frank Mellish RCR, Sgt Shane Stachnik 2 CER, Pte Jonathan Cushley RCR- 03 Sep 06

    Thoughts and prayers to the fallen, the injured and those let behind to fight and worry.
  7. L

    Major Cdn attack looms near Kandahar

    It's started.  It's called Operation Medusa.  Woke up to this on the news (CTV NewsNet, sorry no article that I can find anywhere yet).  My guy is there.  I'm more worried about them staying safe then giving hell at this point.
  8. L

    Just wanted to share

    I was at Wal-Mart yesterday to pick up a few things before work, one of which was a bit of yellow ribbon to wear on my uniform.  I am truely disheartened that my restaurant has not hung a single yellow ribbon even though many of our customers are from the military family, so I will wear one...
  9. L

    Mail and care packages sent to BMQ / BMOQ

    You are more than welcome.  I started this thread to help me out, but knowing that someone else is benefitting makes it even better.
  10. L

    Mail and care packages sent to BMQ / BMOQ

    Thanks all for the feedback.  Sent my first package today, tried to make it personal yet a little fun and practical.  Six more months of packages to go.
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    Mail and care packages sent to BMQ / BMOQ

    Navymich, thank you for the link.  I was not aware of that post, but it was also not quite what I was looking for. Booked_Spice and Red 6, thank you for your suggetions, some I thought of, some I didn't. I think I'm just a nervous girlfriend, I want to help him yet I don't want to screw it up...
  12. L

    Mail and care packages sent to BMQ / BMOQ

    Hello to all.  I was wondering if I could get a few ideas of things to send to my guy, now in Afghanistan (just got there).  I already  have a list of personal things I will be sending him, but I would like some ideas of things wanted, needed, things that go over well, special treats, etc. ...
  13. L

    Husband leaves for first tour in July

    Thanks so much for the info.  I know that I do have to talk to him about this, but knowing what I am talking about, or of there is anything to do about it, makes it a little easier.
  14. L

    Husband leaves for first tour in July

    Not common law here, and I have yet to meet his family (he is not orginally from around here), I have my doubts there.  This is what I thought though, seeing as there is no information out there aimed at girlfriends.  It's gonna be a very long tour for me.
  15. L

    Husband leaves for first tour in July

    Thanks for the info.  But in all seriousness, will I get the same treatment as a girlfriend as a wife would get?  I somehow have this sickening feeling that I will be stuck relaying on the news.  Really, there seems to be so little out there geared towards us not wives, and I am lost.
  16. L

    Husband leaves for first tour in July

    I hear ya.  My boyfriend leaves in August, and I want to talk to him about things that I am worried about or don't understand, but he has so much on his mind right now that I don't want to add to the pot. Hopefully someone out there will have answers or ideas for you.
  17. L

    49 Soldiers Put in Quarantine at CFB Petawawa

    Never did any training??  Well, that can't be good.  Gonna have some unhappy campers now.  Thanks for the update though!
  18. L

    49 Soldiers Put in Quarantine at CFB Petawawa

    Hey, I was just wondering how everyone was doing?  Seems this thread has gotten a little, ok, way off topic.  Did they get any of their training in, or do they have to stay longer to finish up? Just curious!
  19. L

    Girlfriend of a soldier needs opinions...

    UKjen, I hear ya and totally understand the pain you are in.  Very recently I had an end to what may have been nothing more to a friendship, now I'll never know.  We didn't know each other all that long, but there was still a connection.  He's over in Afghanistan right now, and has cut me out. ...