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  1. CDN Zipperhead

    Fraternization during summer training

    Personally, having gone through the whole military system (Cadets, Reserves, Regs, Cadet CI) everyone here is overlooking the fact that it happens at all levels, in all situations and at all times. It's basic human instinct (especially with teenage hormones). I've seen at camp as a cadet. I've...
  2. CDN Zipperhead

    A question on military historians speaking on war, and never having fought.

    Someone should also mention that John Keegan may not have served IN the military, he did SERVE the military as a Professor at the British Military University "Sandhurst" for most, if not all, his professional life.
  3. CDN Zipperhead

    They Met in a Tank Simulator

    Brings back memory's for me. My first date with my wife, I taught her to drive the Leopard. Driving around and around and around the North Marg in Germany. It must work, we've been married now for 21 years last week.
  4. CDN Zipperhead

    basic training cornwallis 77

    I was in 12 pl up by the fence near the road outside the base, it got tough watching the cars drive by just outside the fence. I was course 8245, during the fall/winter of '82. My bigest memory is trying to stand in formation on the paradesquare during a windstorm, wearing a parka and being...
  5. CDN Zipperhead

    Communicator Research

    Say Hi for me shes my little sister (emphasis on little).
  6. CDN Zipperhead

    I Didn't See That !

    Hey Sarge, heres some trivia for you. Waaaaay back when I was in (Armoured) we actually had Armoured Airborne troopers. Back when they were trying to land Lynxes by parashoot.
  7. CDN Zipperhead

    Communicator Research

    Know anyone by the name Bowen? Shes going to the 'stan soon.
  8. CDN Zipperhead


    The C6 is great for tank weapons. I did CAT in 91 (anybody remember CAT?) we went down range with 220 rounds, hit all 20 1'x1' falling plates and came back with 110 rounds. The C6 is great for snipeing with a tank. If I can see your face I can put a round in it at 600m. The real thing of beauty...
  9. CDN Zipperhead

    Ignorance of civvies...

    Just to put in my 2 cents, the best and the worst: The best was when I was in Cyprus in '88-'89 and about mid tour the City of Calgary sent over a HUGH poster with just about every Calgarians signature on it along with a pancake breakfast and an entertainment show. I felt great, we were the envy...
  10. CDN Zipperhead

    What is your military status?

    Ex Armoured now a Civilian Supply Officer for the 637 Air Cadet Squadron in BC.
  11. CDN Zipperhead

    RCD News

    Funny how time flies, I knew LCol Cadden as a 2Lt. For that matter I knew the CDS when he was the "crazy" Capt. who kept coming up with new ways to torture.. I mean motivate his Sqn. ;D
  12. CDN Zipperhead

    What is your military status?

    Ex Reserve SupTech, Ex Reg Armoured/Armd Recce/Assault Trp/Admin Trp, now working as Supply Officer for an Air Cadet Unit. My son is in the CDN Navy.