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  1. C

    Single Quarters & Rations (R&Q) [MERGED]

      Sounds like a fairly good deal to have meals prepared and provided for you . Too bad you could not purchase a ration card with say 90 meals on it for 425 dollars , everytime you entered the mess hall you would swipe in . This way the member would get the best deal on his meals and would not...
  2. C

    Reports say Chinese-made weapons used by Taliban

        The bottom line is the bottom line ,China  does not care who buys our uses there weapons . Look at there business dealings in Africa they are apathetic to a governments policies or practises they simply just want there resources . China is definitely raising the bar on immoral foreign policy .
  3. C

    Medak Pocket (info, documentaries, etc. - merged)

        It was very well done , a good blend of first hand stories and reenactments . I think the Medak story has finally been given justice from a first hand perspective this documentry was flawless , good show .
  4. C

    Canadian AFG War "Resister"

        I guess it must have been a slow news day .
  5. C

    Canadian Public Opinion Polls on Afghanistan

    The media has to put a spin  on  a story , good or bad , that is what they do . Telling accurate truthful stories does not get much attention so they spin it , look at yesterdays events as a perfect example . These surveys are done to achieve a desired result so there not very credible .  Maybe...
  6. C

    Discussion of Canada's Role in AFG (merged)

        You want to solve the problem the first thing you have to do is kill the Saudi Arabian wahhabist sects that sponsor those Madrassahs in Pakistan and the rest of the Muslim world .These Maddrassahs teach a Sunni version of Terminator 2 , brain washing facilities that provide foot soldiers for...
  7. C

    Discussion of Canada's Role in AFG (merged)

        Apples and oranges my friend differant ball game .
  8. C

    Discussion of Canada's Role in AFG (merged)

       I hate to say it but this thing will never be resolved in our life time , you can make inroads but any stability will be tenuous for many years . Your mission is also tenuous a new government , a botched raid could spell the end of your deployment . Iam not being pessimistic just being...
  9. C

    Discussion of Canada's Role in AFG (merged)

        Afghanistan was , is , and will continue to be a failed state . Religion , regional politics , economic situation will see to that , to think any differant is to be nieve . Sure you will make inroads  but gains can be quickly erased by events outside your control as those cartoons...
  10. C

    Discussion of Canada's Role in AFG (merged)

        Thanks for confirming what I posted earlier .
  11. C

    Discussion of Canada's Role in AFG (merged)

      We are both equal in that we cannot see the others point  ,  let alone listen to what the other person has to say . Our ears are not in gear we are already formulating a reply .The point is we let emotion cloud our ability to use logic and in that fashion we are all the same .
  12. C

    Discussion of Canada's Role in AFG (merged)

      I guess you can speak from expieriance .
  13. C

    "Master Corporals" - Merged Thread

      Back in the day the JRC in Winnipeg used to have strippers at lunchtime , now 350K , wow !!, I guess that is why they dont let us have control over the funds .
  14. C

    Discussion of Canada's Role in AFG (merged)

      You know and not to get off topic , but we are all reasonably educated people with opinions ,some not all that differant than others but we still end up in heated exchanges [I dont know if the anymotity  of the internet has anything to do with it] . Now if one was to remove the baseline...
  15. C

    Discussion of Canada's Role in AFG (merged)

        Granted your going to take losses on such a mission  , however you have to admit that the federal government has not been very forth coming  with mission parameters to the public . The public will only react to the information they are given so far that has not been much . All this talk of...
  16. C

    Discussion of Canada's Role in AFG (merged)

        Getting back on topic , Afghanistan is a worthy cause however actions in Afghanistan do not prevent terrorist actions in the west . An aggressive assistance to restablish safety and security in a lawless land , not a war on terror or whatever they are selling it as . War on terror is a...
  17. C

    Discussion of Canada's Role in AFG (merged)

       No matter what anybody says the fact remains that Karzai was picked by the west to lead Afghanistan even though he won an election he is still viewed as a Western puppet by the islamic world . A little known fact was that Karzai actually donated 50 000 dollars to the Taliban in 1994 , in fact...
  18. C

    Discussion of Canada's Role in AFG (merged)

        Fundementally the the terrorists fled Afghanistan after the fall of the Taliban . At this point Canada is not threatened by terrorists in Afghanistan . Not to run down the work of our troops because they are doing good work in Astan but this does prevent terrorist attacks in the west .