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Search results

  1. squeeze

    US soldier launches puppy off a cliff

    you seem to be thinking I'm avoiding the message of the video but it appears you clearly missed the message of my post... and I didn't say I was an expert on the matter but editing for 3 years and understanding the way a video camera works and how sound is captured on microphones that are on...
  2. squeeze

    US soldier launches puppy off a cliff

    Film/video editor to be exact. I wasn't attempting to take away from anything, as I clearly stated in my post...just simply pointing out what I observed.
  3. squeeze

    US soldier launches puppy off a cliff

    I don't mean to take anything from what happened here because even if what I say is true it's still disrespectful what these troops did, but if you pay attention to the video it appears that the puppy isn't alive or consciously aware of what is going on. He holds the puppy by the hair on the...
  4. squeeze

    Meaford BMQ - Last minute call

    So I called my armory 2 weeks ago about the BMQ I am supposed to be going on for August. They told me they had nothing on my BMQ but they had my ID Discs, so I picked those up. They told me to give them a call back in a few days. I did and they still had nothing. I was told that the person who...
  5. squeeze

    Removed from BMQ

    toughenough, If that's the case I'm even more surprised I was taken off course. If getting an exemption on my express test isn't enough to prove I'm physically fit, I don't know what is. If referring to everyone by rank my first day out on Parade Night and my Sergent saying that I'm doing a...
  6. squeeze

    Removed from BMQ

    hey, thanks a lot for everything...i guess i'm pretty much stuck though. I can't get my old job back because he say he can't cut the other guys' hours to bring me back for a month, it wouldn't be right for them. So I pretty much just have to wait. I'll see those who are going on the August...
  7. squeeze

    Removed from BMQ

    I'm in a bit of a dilemma here. On 15 May 07 when I was sworn into the Reserves I was told that I would probably go on BMQ in July. I later found out I was nominated to go on BMQ from July 3rd to August 1st at Connaught Ranges, not too long after it was confirmed that I would be going on BMQ...
  8. squeeze

    How long to get your kit?

    Thanks for both of your replies. The reason I can't call her when I'm done is because she lives far out of the way as it is and there's not really much to do in the area. Right now I'm probably just going to bus it up and she'll be up around 10am, if anything I can wait rather than her. This...
  9. squeeze

    How long to get your kit?

    I'm picking up my kit near the end of the month and I don't have a car. So I'm stuck bugging a friend of mine to help me at 9am in the morning to get my stuff. She said she'd do it (as I am giving her some cash) but I was just wondering how long it generally takes to get everything? I don't...
  10. squeeze

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Finished my aptitude and had my interview and medical scheduled for the 30th. Apparently they don't do PT Tests any more until after everything has finished and you start BMQ...it was quite a surprise to find this out.
  11. squeeze

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruting Center: Toronto Regular/Reserve: Reserve Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: Infantry Application Date: October 13, 2006 First Contact: October 26, 2006 Aptitude completed : scheduled for November 2nd PT Test completed: scheduled for November 14th Interview completed: waiting Position...
  12. squeeze

    Anyone Else's Enrollment Going So Fast?

    ah, that's not right. I applied on the 13th and I'm still waiting for a call. Mind you I did call to switch something on my application, and they kept saying they'd call back to verify the changes but never have. My application also hasn't shown up online either. The Sgt. said she was going on...
  13. squeeze

    Application changes after handed in

    Thanks, but as long as there's space and I pass everything I should be able to get in the other one?
  14. squeeze

    Application changes after handed in

    i forgot to mention that the recruiter said she wasn't going to be back for 2 weeks but was going to get my application started....should there be another recruiter there?
  15. squeeze

    Application changes after handed in

    I handed in my application on Friday (for reserves) and I had selected to join 25 Service Battalion, but I've just noticed, after talking to and learning more about the different battalions, that my schedule and my first choice (infantry) would work better with Toronto Scottish Regiment. Is...
  16. squeeze

    Broken Bones and Medical Exam

    thank you cuteboots, thats what I tend to do with google...but didn't really think to do of it here, i was assuming the search engine would search for all words at once. thank you spazz, it looks like I will be looking for a recruiting centre nearest me, and will have a nice long chat with him...
  17. squeeze

    Broken Bones and Medical Exam

    I have several questions, some will be determining factors others will just be benefits (if its true) on my part. I'm 17 years old and I've been wanting to join the reserves for well over a year now. I broke my arm, distal fracture of the radius, and chipped my wrist May 27th of this year, I...