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Search results

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    Canadian PRT Troops in Kandahar pictures

    great pics! thanks for sharing
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    PTSD / OSI [Merged]

    As a former psychology student, i am quite distraught at reading all the posts labelling PTSD as a "weakness", for it is anything but. The weak ones are the ones who are not strong enough to seek help. I am angered to hear that PTSD sufferers are looked down upon in a military setting. May I ask...
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    How do the families cope during a tour? Tips and pointers for first timers.

    wow, so many great ideas! I especially like the one of having a "star" at home and giving another to them to have on tour so you can both be comforted by it.   When my boyfriend is in the field for long periods, i like to create an e-mail diary. Where I send him an e-mail for everyday he is...
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    BMQ and seperation anxiety

    hi everyone,     I'm new here, I was actually looking around for some support/similar forums. I just wanted to say that reading these posts has made me feel better already. Since I don't live on a base or anywhere near one, sometimes I feel like I'm the only one in the whole world experiencing...