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Search results

  1. steen15

    Self Help Housing NCR

    So here we go with another move.  This time I'm heading to the NCR and will be working at 765. I will be renting out there and am tossing between commercial rentals (most likely a townhouse style) or the Self Help Housing option.  What I'm really looking for is input from people who are...
  2. steen15

    Whats a good buy and whats a waste?

    Thanks for the input everyone. I have lots of time here to pick thru for things that catch my eye. One thing I have to get is a custom tailored suit.  I haven't heard anything but good things about those yet and 120 bucks I have to get at least one.
  3. steen15

    Whats a good buy and whats a waste?

    I've looked around and havn't seen anything really on this topic so I'm gonna ask all you who have come before me.  I am currently at the KPRT and am looking for gifts to send home but don't want to waste a lot of money on crap thats going to break in shipment or is just very low quality.  I...
  4. steen15

    Signals op - compute tech networking diploma from college

    Thats what happens when you spend forever in the belly of the beast and now are out in the light with the rest of us, things on a bench can get boring and quick. ;)
  5. steen15

    Moral vs Manning

    Good luck on your 3's and remember to take what ever is thrown at you in stride and know that there is an end point to it all.
  6. steen15

    Signals op - compute tech networking diploma from college

    Just make sure of one thing when you do decide what your gonna do, and that's if they are talking about any kind of signing bonus, get it in writing first before enrolling.  As for the NCIS do you mean LCIS, I'm pretty sure that's what your thinking of.
  7. steen15

    Signals op - compute tech networking diploma from college

    Dekeman, you to eh.  I was told the same things, mainly 10k and advance cpl's.  In hindsite I'm glad I didn't get the advancement in rank because there was no way I would have been ready for that responsibility, just didn't know how the army worked enough.  But as for the $$$$ I'm still trying...
  8. steen15

    Moral vs Manning

    I heard a lot of this at the Regiment the last little while, that so many are getting there leaf.  I am one of those that falls into the group that believes there are too many undeserving people getting promoted this year.  There are a lot of Sig's out there that deserve them, but then there is...
  9. steen15

    Piper's lament at ramp ceremonies - what's it called?

    Well i don't think im gonna get a more strait answer than that of a piper so thanks a lot.
  10. steen15

    Piper's lament at ramp ceremonies - what's it called?

    Thanks, I had emailed a friend of mine from my 3's whos over there right now, but haven't heard back from him.  I really appreciate the help.
  11. steen15

    Piper's lament at ramp ceremonies - what's it called?

    Hey all, I spent a good hour searching old posts for this info and can't find it.  I am looking for the name of the song the pipers play at the ramp cerimonies. My sister is going crazzy from time to time until her husband and the rest of the 2VP A coy guys come home and simple things make her...
  12. steen15

    My boyfriend is back from Afghanistan - I am confused, pls advise

    Daisy, I know this isn't something you might want to hear or anything but,  one of the things they tell us in the pdt is a rule of thumb, for every day on tour you will need to re-adjust.  But everyone is different some guys snap back into their old routine in a couple of weeks others take 4-6...
  13. steen15


    Well I'm getting out of Shilo and heading to JSR, 1 Sqn D Troop.  Anyone know how deployable the troop is?  From what I gather from people around here is that it will pretty much be like my job here in Shilo, IS Section...weeeeee
  14. steen15

    Deployments, who should go reg vs res?

    This is not meant to be an attack on any reservists, although it may seem like it.  What I would really like to know is what is going through some peoples minds.  My big issue is with whats going on with HQ & Sigs with TF0106.  I recently came back to my home unit after being out in Wainwright...