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  1. H

    My (ongoing) Adventure .... re: asthma

    Well i just got word today from ottawa. My asthma has been deemed "medium" and i have been deemed unfit for the military. I may look into other things such as that 3rd test you mentioned usman, but we'll see. It really sucks. A lot. But i guess everything happens for a reason. I hope all goes...
  2. H

    The "Posted To Winnipeg" Merged Thread

    I lived in winnipeg for 10 years when my father was posted there. I personally think it's a great city! Dont know much about the PMQs but i can tell you that a great area to live in is River Heights. Two MAIN roads (Grant Ave and Coredyn Ave) go through R.H. and the bus system form my experience...
  3. H

    My (ongoing) Adventure .... re: asthma

    no real delays but there could have been as sometime when you have a foreign address on yer ERC it can sometimes take some extra time, but since Canada and Belgium dont have any (official) political differences the process wasnt an issue. If i were living in....say...Latvia or something than...
  4. H

    My (ongoing) Adventure .... re: asthma

    Well I can answer a couple of things for you. 1st off, they dont look through all your med records. During your medical you fill out a thing with all your ailments and such (i.e. asthma, previous surgeries, heart condition etc...)I was totally honest on my whole medical (which maybe is my...
  5. H

    My (ongoing) Adventure .... re: asthma

    Ok, this is my first post on here... I am currently going through the recruitment process to join in the reg force as a Combat Engineer. I unfortunatly ran into a roadblock about one month ago. 1st, Lets start form the beginning. I enrolled last sping and did my cfat, medical, interview and PT...