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  1. CRZY214

    BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

    Infantryman Flight's at 0700 on January 24th.
  2. CRZY214

    BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

    A full 10 years since I made this account. Glad to finally be on my way to BMQ. :) 0068E here. Flying in from Calgary.
  3. CRZY214

    Does Cadets count for nething?

    Ok, but not so much on the barracks life. You should have seen how disgusting the Delta Male Barracks was. Most of my platoon was placed in an Alpha barracks (including me) and we cleaned every day.  :salute: :cdn:
  4. CRZY214

    Does Cadets count for nething?

    True. Doing my best so far
  5. CRZY214

    Does Cadets count for nething?

    C7's kick ***, eh? At Cadet camp (Vernon Army Cadet Summer Training Center), I got to clean a Lee Enfield No. 7 and a C7. I didn't think that the C7 would be lighter. Edit: Sorry about the swear, but thats the way to describe it.
  6. CRZY214

    Does Cadets count for nething?

    Fine, but i dont talk about skating and girls. I like guns and video games. And MXC. But im serious, does cadets show up for anything? Edit: Actually, i do talk about girls ;)
  7. CRZY214

    Does Cadets count for nething?

  8. CRZY214

    Does Cadets count for nething?

    actually, im 13 and 14 in 3 months. i dont type english like its supposed to be on the internet cuz u can still understand me
  9. CRZY214

    Does Cadets count for nething?

    hey guys, does cadets count 2 anything in the regular or reserve forces other than the para course? cuz ive been in 2137 calgary highlanders royal canadian army cadet corps for 3 years now. is there a rank they start noticing that u actually know something? my rank is Corporal  :salute: :cdn: