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  1. Hatless Dancer

    What is (was) your favorite ration item or meal?

    I pose this question to one and all. Was it the buttercrunch chocolate toffee discs in the C ration? Cross and Blackwell tinned chocolate nut cake(arctic supplement), or maybe ham'n egg omelette drowned in brown 3 year old Wings ketchup? My favorite? Hands down, Corned Beef Hash, with Brit...
  2. Hatless Dancer

    Merged 64 Pattern Rucksack thread

    Yes, with the caveat that when I did it, the kit we used was truly wretched. Have you ever worn 64 patern webbing? I did, in BATUS in 81, with 20 rd mags of ball beating me death in my upper comabat shirt mag pockets.
  3. Hatless Dancer

    "The stuff the army issues is useless" and "no non-issue kit over seas!"

    I guess I am a little confused with all this whining. The kit you have is just fine.
  4. Hatless Dancer

    Merged 64 Pattern Rucksack thread

    If you buy one, try using the kidney pad from a US large ALICE pack, lighter, and doesnt absorb water like those 82 pattern waist sponges.
  5. Hatless Dancer

    "The stuff the army issues is useless" and "no non-issue kit over seas!"

    I suppose my point is this. Canadian soldiers have never, ever had better personal kit than they have now. We did the job(just fine, thank you very much!) with kit that does not even compare with what you have now. One also has to look at the cost of this program. My understanding is that CTS ...
  6. Hatless Dancer

    "The stuff the army issues is useless" and "no non-issue kit over seas!"

    I agree with gunner. Those of you who may remember 64 pattern webbing, or even the 53 pattern(my first issue as a reservist in 1979) would truly appreciate just how far we have come along in 25 years. Make do with what you are issued, because from my vantage point, issue kit looks pretty bloody...
  7. Hatless Dancer

    All Things Vegetarian/Vegan (merged)

    Wow, does todays army really go to such lengths to accomodate vegetarians? Remind the CQ three days in advance to set aside one haybox with wheat grass and tofu? Thats just wrong. On so many levels.
  8. Hatless Dancer

    Canadian Airborne..opening for reserves aswell?

    I look at it this way. There is a ZERO probability of those three jump companies ever deploying by canopy into any operational environment. It aint gonna happen.There are simply not enough bodies, we don't have the aircraft(long range, or with air to air refueling capabilties), and we cannot...
  9. Hatless Dancer

    Union of National Defence Employees

    The term "Collective Bargaining Agreement" is exactly that, a mutually agreed apon set of working conditions and compensation arrangements. I don't think any union would ever agree to having a mandatory deployment clause in its CBA.Having said that, I think it would be virtually impossible to...
  10. Hatless Dancer

    Tough to get a good flat top

    I concur, we don't have the sailors for the frigates we have now. What Canada needs more than anything are heavy lift transports. C 17s, or IL 76s(the ones with the NATO spec engines and avionics). Bonneventure 2 we dont need.
  11. Hatless Dancer

    Union of National Defence Employees

    I think we should all bear in mind that these people are indeed civilians. They should no tbe forced to go, nor should they face administrative punishment for refusing. When we signed up, we understood fully what we were getting involved with. Todays budget constraints mandate that we...