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Search results

  1. Ailsa_95

    Selection Dates 2013-2018

    Hey Buck I know there's a selection happening soon for NOs but my RC is currently working on my PLAR which they said should have been done earlier in the process, I'm not sure why it wasn't. However before they started the PLAR, I was told that i was ready for competition. My question is will I...
  2. Ailsa_95

    Selection Dates 2013-2018

    Thanks for getting back to me, this is very helpful! Would you happen to know how many, if any, nursing officer positions are still available for FY17/18?
  3. Ailsa_95

    Selection Dates 2013-2018

    Hi Buck I'm applying for DEO Nursing Officer. I'm wondering if you know when the next selection for this position will be? thanks!