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  1. K


    ok,,,,my,,,i am so sorry 4 putting sumthing on a different topic,i had no idea it wud b offensive 2 u...i mean...who knew any1 cud b so cruel in puttin the same kinda post sumwhere else...g...grow up wud ya! and no,,,tht int a threat...thtz jus a word of advice!
  2. K


    i ave dun,,,,if u quit buggin me. it's just a forum OK>? it's not gunna harm you if i do sumthin exactly the same...hoh!  shock horror!!!!!!! g,how old are you?  50 thousand or summit?
  3. K


    ok sorry,i'll try to do it properly nxt time,i mean...next time.wow! it's quite hard his.but i'll get there sum time soon.
  4. K


    wot? ps. being a teenager is actually quite gd,ur trusted more so u can actually do most thngs ya like...we dnt ave 2 work,we gt payed 4 all the time,we ave no stress,and we can eat loads yet not put any w8 on as we're still growing.plus.if ya ave a cool m8 thtz olda thn u thn she'll/he'll...
  5. K


    ok ye...the reason i put i'm not frm america is...coz...a lotta ppl ave actually asked me b4 if i woz frma merica and it gt annoying...and the reason i posted the "ages" thing is coz i woz just curious and i dint thnk any1 wud b 2 bothered since it's just a lil post with a lot of other posts
  6. K


    hi,i'm kim and i'm new here,and i was just wondering what the average age people are here. coz i'm quite young myself.am not frm america tho.