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  1. P

    FMP - Which one?

    FMP #3 is approximately 6" x 6 1/2". It is not uncomfortable to carry around. However, on a long march the FMP will tend to cause some friction burn when placed in the cargo pocket of the combat pants, but this is true of nearly every type of 'hard shell' item when placed in the cargoes during a...
  2. P

    FMP - Which one?

    I would go with #3. I've had mine for two plus years and it's still going strong. The clear plastic provides a good place for course handouts and anything you want to quickly reference. #3 is larger, for a long march I tend to transfer mine to the inner left pocket of the tacvest
  3. P

    Polishing The RCR Cap Badge

    Thank you for the excellent advice Mr. O'Leary. A quick wash confirmed that I’ll be purchasing a new one, along with amending how I fold my beret.
  4. P

    Polishing The RCR Cap Badge

    Through the bad habit of folding my beret in on itself the raised circle surmounted by the crown with the Imperial Cypher has tarnished a bit. Can anyone point me in the right direction as how to restore it's beauty? I don't want to go at it with the wrong stuff and permamently mess it up.
  5. P

    The movie called Shooter

    I'd love to see a film adaptation of "Hot Springs", I think it would make the best movie out of any of his books. 
  6. P

    ANA to get C7s? from the Globe and Mail 13 Aug 2007

    Thanks all. I stand corrected, humbled and enlightened.
  7. P

    ANA to get C7s? from the Globe and Mail 13 Aug 2007

    Out of my lane here.  It would seem to me that acquiring NATO standard ammo would be easier for the ANA given the ISAF mission in country.  Providing them with access to a steady stream of ammo without having to go outside the NATO system. In hindsight, the world 'difficulties' may have been...
  8. P

    ANA to get C7s? from the Globe and Mail 13 Aug 2007

    If anything, I would presume that the switch to NATO standard 5.56 would aid interoperability and alleviate some of the difficulties in acquiring 7.62x39 ammo from non-NATO stocks.
  9. P

    The Russian Military Merged Thread- Air Force

    I was about to start a new thread, but figured this fit well here. Usual disclaimers and such... Russia sparks Cold War scramble  http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/6938856.stm The Tu-95 pilots exchanged smiles with their US counterparts Russian bombers have flown to the US island of Guam...
  10. P

    To gain muscle and lose fat, drink milk

    No surprise here, throwing a bunch of protein into your body post exercise will aide it in recovery. 500mL of milk is usually comparable to 2 scoops of protein shake in terms of protein content. I was surprised about the fat loss, could it be that sufficient protein replacement (milk) halts the...
  11. P

    Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

    I stumbled across this documentary entitled “The Tank Man” and found it to be most excellent. http://joox.net/cat/44/id/1452500 It offers a concise summary of issues facing China today. It may not contain any new information for some of those who have been posting here, but is an excellent watch...
  12. P

    Soldier sentenced for staying in bed during fight

    I like it! Though, I'd say this bloke deserves a lot more than an armband, perhaps a neon pink jumpsuit.
  13. P

    PPCLI Sniper Video

    Nice to see some quality footage coming out of Army News.
  14. P

    No need for new military units, says Hillier

    A demonstration of common sense I agree, but I wonder how many time General Hillier can make these political statements before getting his wrist slapped? Isn't this an overstep of boundaries?
  15. P

    By Popular Demand: Pandora in a Bottle

    Great stuff, looking forward to the next installment.  :)
  16. P

    Highway(s) of Heroes - Merged Thread

    I sure hope so. On the political side, there doesn't seem to be any muck the oppostion could raise on this issue without making themselves look like total buffoons in the eyes of the public. I know Airport Rd. in London was recently renamed Veterans Memorial Parkway, so why not do the same with...
  17. P

    Name This Photo!!! - The AFV Recognition Thread

    This may be the only chance I have to correctly identify one, it's a British FV432 APC (saw it in the news today). Sadly, I don't have anything to put up in its place, so the floor is open...
  18. P

    BOTC - Aug 27th, anyone going??

    Just trying to take care of some admin the day before so it won't be a total gong show the first day. Every course I've done we've shown up the day prior. Though like Deek said, I'm not showing up until 1745 Sunday, no point getting some early confirmation of combat knowledge.  ;D
  19. P

    BOTC - Aug 27th, anyone going??

    It's just Army code for what platoon you'll be in for course. A chance for us to figure out who we will be working with for the next few months. From what I know, there are four serials being run starting August 27.  Your recruiter should be able to you which one you are on. Though no big deal...
  20. P

    BOTC - Aug 27th, anyone going??

    Anyone know what serial they're on? I'm on 0026.