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Search results

  1. Rondelet

    Early Application

    I did a search but heeded no results to my needs. I am wondering, At the moment im fifteen and i hold in my hand an application to the CF as a reservist. My question you ask, simple. I'm wondering if I could pass in my application early? I have my school transcript, my teacher is the CO at the...
  2. Rondelet

    A couple of questions.

    Just so everyone is clear I did use the "search" function and it did not come up with the answers needed. I should be going to summer basic this summer if all works out. Is it possible for me (a reservist to be) to do my BMQ and my SQ this summer? If not exactly how long will my BMQ be from my...
  3. Rondelet

    For all the reservists

    OK well here's the deal. I have been anting to join the CF since i was like 6 cause of a whole bunch of guys from an armoured unit was having a mauk(sp?) war around my place and i went over and asked if i could look at the tanks since they were waiting over in a parking lot across from my house...