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  1. C

    Germany Sets Up 500 Billion Euro Defense and Infrastructure Fund

    Canada needs to look at establishing something like this. https://financialpost.com/pmn/business-pmn/germany-will-set-up-e500-billion-defense-and-infrastructure-fund We could build both military and strategic assets such as pipelines, roads, and railways.
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    RCMP to Order 14 New Helos

    Looks like the RCMP is taking good advantage of the new border security budget. https://verticalmag.com/news/rcmp-looking-to-add-14-multi-role-helicopters-to-aviation-fleet/
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    A340 with no registration at YOW

    Saw this parked behind a couple of the new Huskies this past weekend at Uplands. An A340, no paint, and no registration. Anyone know what this is all about?
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    Canada to Spend $5.0Bil on AEW Aircraft

    This is interesting: https://aviationweek.com/defense-space/budget-policy-operations/canada-plans-spend-5-billion-aew-aircraft?elq2=75530bb96f914ac08178d3dfc4a82b9f&sp_eh=e94179ca52d219b366db98a6c69e7503628ec39669975061009f9d2231609f5a
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    Australian MP Recruited as Spy - AUKUS

    This will be a concern for the Brits and the Americans: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/australian-mp-recruited-by-foreign-spy-network-claims-intelligence-chief/ar-BB1j5fMc? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-68420795...
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    Fatality at Irving Shipyards

    Sad news. Condolences to the worker's family https://globalnews.ca/news/10303962/halifax-shipyard-irving-workplace-fatality/
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    Netherlands Selects C-390 to Replace Hercs
