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  1. Ravanosh

    Hearing Conservation

    Perfectly understandable, war is far removed from an ideal working environment. My concern was more in regards to how the use of hearing protection is perceived by superiors and peers alike. It would be a shame if protective measures were shunned based on appearances or skewed perceptions of the...
  2. Ravanosh

    Hearing Conservation

    I mean to say that based on what I had been reading, some CO's agree with the use of hearing protection during firing salutes, while others do not. It sounded as though this was a problem in the past, no so much as of now. I was just looking for clarification on that.
  3. Ravanosh

    Hearing Conservation

    Thanks for the replies. I can assume then that the CF is accommodating when it comes to the use of hearing protection in other situations aside from field training (salutes etc.)? I have heard that it could be somewhat dependent on the CO, at least in the past. Is that still the case to some...
  4. Ravanosh

    Hearing Conservation

    I was searching through the forum for information on the current state of affairs in the CF when it comes to hearing conservation. I found this post, which is a bit outdated, but it does raise some concerns on my part: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/1542.0.html As I would likely be...
  5. Ravanosh

    Spiritual Issues

    I agree that my tone was inappropriate, and I have modified that post accordingly. Sometimes the temptation to follow suit can be too difficult to ignore. I was hoping that putting my suggestion forward as a challenge would inspire CDN_Aviator to look into the research. Seeing as he has already...
  6. Ravanosh

    Spiritual Issues

    I was simply replying in kind, it was not intended to be taken offensively. We are all equals here are we not? If that is the case, I do not see why I would not be entitled to responding in a similar manner. Seeing how my posts have been received, I think I had best explain myself fully. My...
  7. Ravanosh

    Spiritual Issues

    I think I can sum up my beliefs with a simple quote: "It takes a great deal more faith to believe in an accidental universe than to believe in an intelligent creator" - Dr. Walter L. Bradley In my humble opinion, those who are convinced to the contrary have yet to conduct the necessary...
  8. Ravanosh

    Spiritual Issues

    I may have expressed my opinions in the wrong manner. It was never my intent to espouse the superiority of any one religion, hence my emphasis on spirituality. I believe that philosophical certainty is a delusion, and it can be a dangerous one at that. Also I was not attempting to prove the...
  9. Ravanosh

    Spiritual Issues

    To finish this thought, we cannot ignore or exclude the divine sanctity of existence without the consequence of creating a void, as I had mentioned previously. I did not mean that it is impossible to do so, but human nature inherently requires a connection to the spiritual in some form or...
  10. Ravanosh

    Spiritual Issues

    Good points Loachman. There is a definite necessity for creating an atmosphere that emphasises spirituality and morality over the confines of any single religious doctrine. However, I would like to believe that the majority of us are aware that there is something greater than Country and...
  11. Ravanosh

    Spiritual Issues

    You raise an interesting point Technoviking, the separation of Church and State was originally intended to protect religion and spirituality from the influence of the State. Nowadays it seems as though numberless temporal agencies continue to take advantage of this, somehow operating outside or...
  12. Ravanosh

    Spiritual Issues

    Thank you for that link Mariomike, the story of Sgt. York strengthens my belief that war (if fought for the right reasons) can serve as the ultimate test of moral character. All of the responses have been helpful, and I have even been fortunate enough to receive a PM from a Chaplain. This forum...
  13. Ravanosh

    Spiritual Issues

    I have been considering a career in the military for quite a few years now, and I believe I possess the skills and mentality to perform well in a myriad of CF trades. However, I have difficulty rectifying my deeply-rooted spiritual beliefs with my desire to serve my country and combat evil. I...