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  1. MacKenzie1NSH

    Cadpat Overboard?

    true enough, but is it easier or more difficult in the reg force to attain the new stuff?
  2. MacKenzie1NSH


    what are supposed to happen to our leopards, now that the strikers are around?
  3. MacKenzie1NSH

    Cadpat Overboard?

    Yeah, it seems the new guys get the newer better stuff while the older more experianced guys are stuck waiting around for theirs to come in. When I first got in I got the CADPAT gloves and the ballistic eyewear, and the whole nine yards but then my Sgts, are still using olive drap gloves, no eye...
  4. MacKenzie1NSH

    Wearing Sunglasses While On Duty

    All of the 36 reserve infantry brigade has been issued theirs
  5. MacKenzie1NSH

    Berets and How to Form Them

    Like a manican head, or a model of his head?
  6. MacKenzie1NSH

    Wearing Sunglasses While On Duty

    the new ballistic glasses are nice but too hard to switch lenses without breaking them, and the legs always scratch the middle of the lenses even if you extend them out all the way, and it is a pain in the @$$ to get replacements.
  7. MacKenzie1NSH

    Berets and How to Form Them

    I think the best kind of barets are the belgians, i like when they are pulled back with no "trench" and they rarely ever have wrinkles, even with the liner in.
  8. MacKenzie1NSH

    Cadpat Overboard?

    Not only would it mean better equipment but it would be cheaper too, and then there would be more accesability to it, insted of waiting for the next order which could take a while.  :salute: Chris
  9. MacKenzie1NSH

    Shin Splints, Blisters, and PT [Merged]

    Do you have any dieting tips as well? Like I know protein is nessesary, but how can I get enough of it without walking around with a T-bone steak in my pocket, or spend 80-100$ per month on suppliments? :salute: Chris
  10. MacKenzie1NSH

    Physical Fitness (Jogging, Diet, Cardiovascular, and Strength )

    For infantry, what all does the battle efficiancy test consist of? I know a ruck march, trench dig, and running, but I don't know how long  you have to complete each one or how far of a distance it is. Can anyone let me know? :salute: Chris
  11. MacKenzie1NSH

    Physical Fitness (Jogging, Diet, Cardiovascular, and Strength )

    Don't get the wrong idea though, it is highly encouraged to start all work outs off with some cardio, whether it be a 2 minute jog on the tredmil or 2 minutes with a skipping rope, to help prevent straining your cold muscles.  :salute: Chris
  12. MacKenzie1NSH

    Sudden questions regarding LAV III and roll-overs

    Is there such thing as a reservist offensive driving course as well, becasue i am about to start my defensive one, and wouldn't mind looking at offensive as well. :salute:
  13. MacKenzie1NSH

    Soldier Qualification Course (Questions & Answers)

    Does anyone know anything about the reservists drivers wheels course in halifax this winter? Like dates or even what this course consists of... And also as a reservist I beleive that the reg force can have better courses because they have more money and say than we do, like for my DP1 (QL3 to...