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  1. GLOCK 31

    Crap....and they let them get away.

    Understood.  Just thinking, if they are Taliban, and you can't attack, it be a real shame to just let'em go to fight another day.  Without at least trying to get something more positive than a picture.  Just don't like seeing them get away, but your right sometimes theres nothing you can do.
  2. GLOCK 31

    Crap....and they let them get away.

    True, your right man.  :salute:
  3. GLOCK 31

    Crap....and they let them get away.

    What about waiting till there done and using a drone to follow them?  Might lead you back to where there hiding, or even more.  Either that or launch when they leave the funeral.  Personally I never cared for the rules of engagement, when the other side doesn't respect them.  Seems like fighting...
  4. GLOCK 31

    Proper Diet

    I was wondering, would you guys mind if I posted my current diet.  Then you guys with more experience than me, let me know if I am making any mistakes, or things I need to improve upon?  My goal, and what I am trying to accomplish right now is getting back into shape to enlist. Robert
  5. GLOCK 31

    Warm clothing for the field

    Lookin around. Where is a good place to pick up a USGI Poncho. The lightweight woodland one everyone talks about. I know of two trust worthy places online, RangerJoes.com, and USCav.com, that sell them for 40 USD. Actual US issue. Anyone know a place in Canada, preferably online, to get one?  A...
  6. GLOCK 31

    Useful things to read going into Basic

    Steve.  I understand, everything you need to know about BMQ will be taught to you.  The books I suggested, and I should have said but I forgot, would benefit you more in a career in the Military, not in BMQ.  My mistake for not mentioning, Sorry.  Since you don't really need to read anything...
  7. GLOCK 31

    Canadian Army Reading List- 11+ Years Of Suggestions and Ideas

    Here are a few books that I have enjoyed, and learned certain skills with. The Encyclopedia of Outdoor Survival - ISBN 1-930983-19-0 This book shows great survival skills based on SAS techniques.  Covers broadly in every climate condition (Desert, winter, jungle, coastal, etc.)  A very good...
  8. GLOCK 31

    Useful things to read going into Basic

    A few things that might come in handy are books to further your skills.  Books like the SAS survival guide (the one I have is ISBN 1-930983-19-0), Edible plants, medicinal plants, and other survival manuals.  Winter survival, and winter camping are good to learn about and can be useful.  Lock...
  9. GLOCK 31

    The Capital Punishment Debate

    Theres a lot of talk about being humane and caring towards the worst people in our society.  Is there anyone here that wouldn't have killed Hitler before 1939 if they knew what was going to happen?  Well thats murder, but murder to save 6 million + people, and a war that engulfed the entire...
  10. GLOCK 31

    The Capital Punishment Debate

    The reason it is more expensive to put someone to death by execution, over life in prison is simple.  Its because the total cost includes appeals.  Everytime they appeal the sentence, it costs tax payers money to pay for Judge, Lawyers, Jury, and everything else in an appeal.  So numerous...
  11. GLOCK 31

    The Capital Punishment Debate

    To add to what 48Highlander had said, I would add. Letting a whole bunch of murderers go, to save one innocent.  Then what if the whole bunch of murderers who were let go/live, goes and kills again.  Then a whole bunch of innocent people were killed instead of the one.  We knew they were...
  12. GLOCK 31

    The Capital Punishment Debate

    Forgot something. "Plus we live in an imperfect justice system, I don't think you can justify executing even one innocent person so that you can feel good about yourself for killing a whole bunch of bad murderers." So in other words you can justify letting a whole bunch of bad murderers go, to...
  13. GLOCK 31

    The Capital Punishment Debate

    "I think the bottom line is, that if you want to consider yourselves a modern, progressive, civilized society, you can't sink to the level of killing people." If we truly were a modern, progressive, civilized society, it would have to be society as a whole.  In other words we wouldn't need the...
  14. GLOCK 31

    The Capital Punishment Debate

    Just posted something on this topic on another thread.  I agree with it for certain crimes like Murder, Rape, Child Molestors, Pedophilia, etc. As for DNA proving their innocence later on.  It would be a shame, and their name should be cleared, but the penalty would of been carried out with...
  15. GLOCK 31

    The Capital Punishment Debate

    Personally, I am more partial to Seppuku and the beliefs behind it.  Depending on the crime.  Giving them a choice to admit their shame, and take the appropriate action.  If they chose not to, then just something basic, cheap, and effective.  Anyone who does crimes like these people should not...
  16. GLOCK 31

    Flash Lights

    Proud Canadian.  The T2 I own makes no noise when shaken.  It has taken quite a bit of abuse.  Usually dropping onto concrete because it is perfectly round, and rolls quite easy.  My buddies T2 has no rattle either.  His too takes a lot of abuse, mainly from him testing it himself.  He likes to...
  17. GLOCK 31

    Flash Lights

    I have the Inova T2.  Works great, strong, and lasts long.  You can check it out at http://www.inovalight.com/  .  And the place I got it was http://www.tetragon.ca/  .  Works on 02 lithium batteries, for 05 hours.  40 lumen's of white LED light, in a circle, with no dark patches. I also have...
  18. GLOCK 31

    Inova T2 Flashlight

    I have the T2 for work for about 6 months now.  Have never changed the battery yet.  Use it everynight quite often, because I work Security (Night shift).  I have no complaints about the T2.  Compared to a xenon of the same lumen's if looks brighter, because the light is white, instead of an...