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  1. F

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    It's often occurred to me that bumping off the occasional 'leader' would be a low-bloodshed way of curtailing a lot of problems.  I'm not sure it would get at the heart of the problems we have with Iran however -- many of which pre-date Ahmedinejad. In fact in might even make things worse...
  2. F

    Afghanistan: Why we should be there (or not), how to conduct the mission (or not) & when to leave

    I don't think the opposition parties give a damn what happens in Afghanistan, or ever did. I think the Liberals sent the CF there because it was politically expedient, and now their only interest is what angle will "play the best" with the Canadian public in the next election. Statements like...
  3. F

    US Military Casualties Are Down

    Any reduction in deaths is a good thing, but if I were making predictions from these charts I would guess that at least 70 more American soldiers and more than a thousand Iraqi civilians are going to be killed this month. Not WWII levels of loss or anything, but still a lot of grief.  I admit I...
  4. F

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    I don' t know how much (if any) credibility they have, but I've encountered rumours on several sites over the past day or two, that an attack on Iran by the USA is imminent.  I usually shrug rumours off (since they are usually B.S.) so I didn't pay much attention, but here is one that was just...
  5. F

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    These are really good points.  Iran is China's biggest oil supplier. You can forget any UN sanctioning of military action for sure (China would veto it).
  6. F

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    I didn't intend to imply the Americans would use those troops against Iran, just that they were well within the range of Iranian retaliation, if say, the Americans just attacked the nuclear plant with an air-strike.  Because of the risk to American troops, it makes a certain amount of sense to...
  7. F

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    As long as such a large American force is sitting on the ground right next door, I don't believe for a second an American attack would be limited to just a nuclear plant ... it wouldn't be prudent.  To me, this makes the plan to trash the Iranian armed forces that much more believable. On...
  8. F

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    Out of curiosity, assuming this war does occur, do you think there will be a Canadian (military) role?
  9. F

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    This is tough one.  I think it is fairly obvious the Bush administration wants to attack Iran, and is doing everything it can to try and drum up (especially) domestic support.  But it is hard to conceive of how the American administration has enough support left at home to further extend its...
  10. F

    Canada's purchase of the Leopard 2 MBT

    Which is for the purposes of humour a tank with the turret removed. ;D
  11. F

    Canada's purchase of the Leopard 2 MBT

    I suspect the ultimate solution to the internal heat problem which tank crews have to endure in Afghanistan will very much depend on which party is in government after the next election.  The Conservatives may want to install expensive cooling units, but I expect Canada's other national party...
  12. F

    We debate, with guns blazing

    Here is some coverage from the BBC. On their front page it is titled  "Canada's troops take on a Taleban stronghold". http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/from_our_own_correspondent/5349310.stm The BBC devotes a surprising amount of coverage to Canada and Canadian issues -- usually fairly...
  13. F

    Some US legislators want to errect a fence between US/Canada border

    I say we get to work and build one first ....  better yet, let's just mine it.  :dontpanic:
  14. F

    Muslim anger follows Pope's comments

    I read the transcript of the Pope's speech.  I admit it is hard to deduce what point he is trying to make, since he tends not to say anything straight out. However, I'm reasonably sure he was trying persuade his audience (and perhaps a broader audience of Muslims) that violence was incompatible...