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  1. T

    Israel strikes Hard at Hamas In Gaza- Dec/ 27/ 2008

    Shec, it could be the disparity in the type of weaponry each side is using, no? If Hamas had F-16's, self prop arty, Merkavas, etc., perhaps the death toll on the Israeli side would be higher. But that's not really the question to ask, rather: why should the Palestinians or the Israelis need...
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    Israel strikes Hard at Hamas In Gaza- Dec/ 27/ 2008

    From the Dailystar: Lebanese Information Minister Tarek Mitri told AFP that Hizbullah, which is represented in the government, had said it was not involved in the rocket barrage. Unidentified Israeli military sources said that they thought Palestinian militants rather than Hizbullah were...
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    Israel strikes Hard at Hamas In Gaza- Dec/ 27/ 2008

    Both the Jerusalem Post and Haaretz beat me to the storyline... http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1231167272256&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1053138.html Regards.
  4. T

    Israel strikes Hard at Hamas In Gaza- Dec/ 27/ 2008

    Shec, a grade of 'B' is way too generous. I would have given it a grade of 'E' for sarcasm, where E = Excellent. Mr. Wallace, please refer to above. But I suspect the official IDF line won't be too different from my previous post... Regards.
  5. T

    Israel strikes Hard at Hamas In Gaza- Dec/ 27/ 2008

    Bo, I received an e-mail from the IDF press office this morning regarding this incident. Please edit accordingly: "The IDF was responding to rocket/Katyusha/mortar/mg fire emanating from or near the house/refugee camp/school/mosque/UNIFIL base. The IDF works to minimize casualties amongst the...
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    Israel strikes Hard at Hamas In Gaza- Dec/ 27/ 2008

    For your consideration, two articles below; both written by Israeli (Jewish, if it matters - but it shouldn't) writers from Haaretz. Regards. http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1051317.html http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1052606.html
  7. T

    Israel strikes Hard at Hamas In Gaza- Dec/ 27/ 2008

    Video about the myths of the Mid East conflict. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrieBhaGgHM Regards.
  8. T

    Israel strikes Hard at Hamas In Gaza- Dec/ 27/ 2008

    The Hizballah don't operate in the Occupied Territories, just in Southern Lebanon. Regards.
  9. T

    Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land

    What are we talking about exactly? Regards, tourza
  10. T

    Why "World Opinion" is worthless....

    Good post. Insightful. This is from memory: A Vietnamese general (could have been a Viet Cong) was speaking with a reporter (could have been a writer) after the fall of Saigon and the reunification of Vietnam, and said something to the effect that (paraphrase ahead) 'we didn't win the war...
  11. T

    Re: Israel Hits U.N. Post

    Thanks for the welcome CanadaPhil. I never claimed to be reading the 'only' credible source on this issue, you said that. Fisk's book that deals with the Lebanon War is called Pity the Nation: The Abduction of Lebanon. The book that I'm currently re-reading is his latest work, The Great War for...
  12. T

    Re: Israel Hits U.N. Post

    Some of you may remember this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qana_massacre There is much information on the Internet about this; some biased, some not. The UN sent a general from the Netherlands to investigate and his report is on the Internet. Hizballah ( 'hizb' in Arabic means party and...