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  1. emmiee

    Re: Army.ca Status- Who Replaces Mike When The Dark Helo's Swoop On Munster?

    Like the sign says at the front of the rollercoaster ride...."you need to be this tall to ride"  8)
  2. emmiee


    After watching this I had to go back and watch the fish again
  3. emmiee

    Brokeback Mountain Challenge

    Smokey and the Brokeback Bandit these are all way to funny, all of you rock. ;D
  4. emmiee

    Members' Marital Status

    I guess I would put myself in category 3. This is my first "military" relationship and it has been long distance as well. But six years later we are still together and see each other as often as possible but communicate daily. No matter what the relationship; if there is no communication and...
  5. emmiee

    Military Discounts List

    Shades of Green does allow CF members under circumstances and conditions. You would need to call them directly. Yes, they did go under a major renovation which is now complete. My significant other is in the CF, I do live in the states...I called them about a year ago, and we would have been...
  6. emmiee

    Military Discounts List

    Here are some other sites if you haven't already found them www.armymwr.com    has the AFRC listing on it www.shadesofgreen.org  AFRC Disney location www.militarydiscounts.com  i really didn't look through this site that much emmiee
  7. emmiee

    Military Discounts List

    In the State's, if you show military ID (this includes CF), you will get discounts on air tickets, train, bus, movies, hotels, tourist attractions such as museums, six flags, etc, most of the major one. Also don't forget you can use your CF military ID for the specific R&R centers here in the...
  8. emmiee

    New Here...

    I think the higher up on the teaching evolutionary chair you are the worse ones grammar gets....lol.... thank you!
  9. emmiee

    Best Coffee Joints

    NavComm and I actually have something in common???? I love Tim Hortons....but you can keep the Moose milk.... :-X And if you want to try the chocolate raspberry coffee send me a message with your mailing address and i'll send you a sample... emmiee
  10. emmiee

    Best Coffee Joints

    Doesn't matter to me... but when i'm in the mood i like a nice mocha or chocolate raspberry :)
  11. emmiee

    Writing to the troops (merged)

    And!! (lol) Writing actual letters was just another way I thought I could do something... If anyone ELSE has questions/issues to my motives; I have already stated them. I don't need to explain myself. Those who know what I already do appreciate it. (Gee, I don't know why I'm letting NavComm...
  12. emmiee

    Writing to the troops (merged)

    NavComm: In response to "emmiee, why not just ask your spouse with 26 yrs of military experience to connect you with a soldier that you can write to?" I do that already, I host dinners on the holidays for those who can not for some reason get home, I also offer my home to those CF personnell...
  13. emmiee

    New Here...

    I am new as well and after talking (emailing that is) Mike Bobbitt (i hope i got that correct) wanting to introduce myself to the forums. He felt this was the right forum to place such an introduction. After joining the Forum's, I took my time and read a lot of the posts and subjects to get a...
  14. emmiee

    Writing to the troops (merged)

    In reply to wanting to write to military personnell. I am from a military family, have worked as a private contractor for the military, and after talking to many of the personnell who are in the military while I was working;it seemed that was a common comment. ie. wanting to recieve letters...
  15. emmiee

    Army.ca Chat [merged]

    To add my 10 cents (inflation from the previous 2 cent requirement). I think it is a great idea. Thanks Mike for all your help today with the site. :)
  16. emmiee

    Raiding the Icebox:behind Its Warm Front the United States Made Cold Calculation

    Has anyone been to a border crossing lately? One time recently I had to wait over 3 hours to cross cause of the traffic lined up for miles! I think the invasion has started.... ;)
  17. emmiee

    Poor guy

    Oh my, poor guy is right. I would take the money just for the humiliation of how many millions of people seeing this, not to say family and friends. I did notice however the guy who looked so disappointed when he lost, later had that look of heavenly relief.  :o
  18. emmiee

    Writing to the troops (merged)

    I would be interested as well. Lucy is right I couldn't find anything either other than the DND site. I know they may perfer email to snailmail. But it is nicer sometimes to write a letter. Thank you for starting and sharing this information forum. Also perhaps if anyone that is looking at this...
  19. emmiee

    Marine wife accused of poisoning husband

    Being new, I really didn't know where to post this. This happened Dec 15, 2005 and reported by MSNBC and other resources.       Posted on 12/15/2005 12:01:40 PM PST by Coyoterex http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10479896/from/RS.2/ I won't post the entire article but the synopsis is; Marine Sgt...
  20. emmiee

    What would you do if this was your kid?

    do they have 'kid' prison? and i don't mean this youth detention stuff.