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  1. P

    New PT Test Requirements...Thoughts?

    Well, I'm glad there's at least someone on these forums whose not out to measure the size of his penis. That actually has given me something to think about Crantor.
  2. P

    New PT Test Requirements...Thoughts?

    I find it pretty sad that your only means of defending yourself from my accusation is by attacking my improper grammar.  How about sticking with the topic here?  Look, my intent wasn't to start a flame war here, just to spark some debate regarding the issue.  The fact is, there ARE out of shape...
  3. P

    New PT Test Requirements...Thoughts?

    Well, I'm not going to educate you guys on non-standard English, and the common usage of such words as 'irregardless' to evoke emphasis, but... What I find the most astonishing is that you all seem pretty bent on defending the inadequacies of the armed forces- the lack of physical fitness in...
  4. P

    New PT Test Requirements...Thoughts?

    Irregardless of my current rank/position, that's an opinion that's generally shared universally.  You show me one fighting man who respects the lazy and the complacent just because he's in uniform, and I'll reneg on my originally comment.  The fact that I'm a tax payer who basically pays for...
  5. P

    Tom Clancy

    That was actually meant as a joke, I wasn't being serious there.  But I do apologize, it was in bad taste.
  6. P

    Canadian Armed Forces "corrupt"

    Sign me up for the junk-yard run when they want to trash their surplus F-14s.
  7. P

    Tom Clancy

    Wow, not enough people to kill in Afghanistan so you gotta do your killin' here now huh?  Good stuff... Of course, none of that changes the fact that Clancy is still the king of hacks.  The whole point of my original arguement. So I win...nyah!  :P
  8. P

    Tom Clancy

    CHK-CHK! (shotgun cocks-point barrel at self) Okay I'm an idiot.  He is a hack!  Welly then...I'm actually not that huge a McNabb fan, B2Z is the only book I've read, and was aware that he wrote so...but uh...yeah.  So, how 'bout them Yankees?
  9. P

    Canadian Armed Forces "corrupt"

    Personally, I thought it was a pretty funny video...but, I like that kind of stupid humor.
  10. P

    Tom Clancy

    I don't think McNabb falls into the category of hack, given he doesn't mass produce literature like Clancy.  He wrote ONE book, Clancy writes like what?  A dozen a year?  That's a true hack.  The guy is RICH from writing books dude---that is the epitome of a hack.  McNabb wrote a story, fiction...
  11. P

    New PT Test Requirements...Thoughts?

    Well, sorry, but I can't and refuse to respect those with no self respect.  If I as an NCM, lowly grunt must achieve a certain physical standard and maintain that standard, than so should the senior men and women.  Those who do not, do not because they work the system in their favor, and that's...
  12. P

    Halloween costumes

    Dress up as your RSM, your company comander, or platoon sergeant (depending on who you report to in the regiment) and then do your best impression of him/her.  Oh, they'll love that.
  13. P

    Tom Clancy

    Sure, they can write about that kinda stuff- but say for example that someone out there really DID fight aliens and vampires and stuff (and could confirm it of course!) and wrote a book about it, I would wager that his story would be more interesting than King's fiction.  Because it'd be a true...
  14. P

    Tom Clancy

    No, not necessarily, but I think it's safe to assume that those who HAVE been there and have done that are better qualified to make an opinion on something.  Like, would you trust somebody who has watched every episode of CSI, CSI: Miami and CSI: New York to do a forensic investigation at a...
  15. P

    Tom Clancy

    That much I agree with- But the fact that the operation was a shit sandwich from the get-go, and that McNabb may have written himself in a much better light (as he did, I have absolutely no doubt), has no bearing on my opinion of the legitimacy of the story.  The operation happened, and likely...
  16. P

    Tom Clancy

    Good writing?  Maybe not.  More interesting?  Damn skippy.  As for it being 'revisionist history' as you put it, I don't think either of us has any authority to say whether the events took place as they did or did not.  It's McNab's word versus the word of the other guys who gave their...
  17. P

    New PT Test Requirements...Thoughts?

    Yeah, that's pretty much my biggest gripe with the military when it comes to fitness standards, is that there are way too many people that work the system in their favor to not have to do PT, and it's embarassing.  I lived on the PMQ patch near LFCA for many years, and you would be shaking your...
  18. P

    Halloween costumes

    Well...you will be the daughter he's always wanted.
  19. P

    Halloween costumes

    Better break out the razor brother. (or wax if you prefer)  ;D