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  1. jbeach95

    Any one here with the RCR or 48th reserve units?

    As it applies to 4RCR: 1) The training is really good. If you like using guns and don't mind walking, the light infantry is a good go. I especially enjoy FIBUA training. 2) Overall, there are good leaders who are more interested in the success of the unit than making themselves look good. There...
  2. jbeach95


    My BIQ FTX was four days. The first day/night was spent in a defensive position, where you are woken up every hour or so for a stand-to. The second day, we moved to a patrol hide. We were there for three days, two nights. During the day, we relaxed and slept. At night, we conducted recce and...
  3. jbeach95

    The C9A2 (pics)

    Wesley Allen, in regards to number 3 on your list, some C9s that I have used do not have front sights, which are probably easy to remove. Those C9s used the C79 optical sight only. As for the optical vs. iron sights debate, why not let the gunners decide which one to use? They make rear iron...
  4. jbeach95

    BMQ every other weekend ??

    It was alright. I thought that it was a good way to get adjusted from civilian to military life, before I spent the summer doing only military stuff. My BMQ was held out of Centralia, not Meaford (except when we needed to use the ranges). Transportation should be provided.
  5. jbeach95

    Camelbak Hydration Systems

    Yeah, and I heard that we‘re also supposed to get the load-bearing tactical vests sometime soon too. :rolleyes:
  6. jbeach95

    Camelbak Hydration Systems

    Hydration systems are supposed to be issued sometime this fiscal year to the combat arms and those on operations. I hope this applies to the reserve combat arms as well.
  7. jbeach95

    CF-105 Arrow (not army related, but still CF related.)

    The Orenda engine was not the same as the Iroquois. A.V. Roe Canada‘s gas turbine division created the "Orenda" engine, which was used in the CF-100 Canuck. A.V. Roe Canada was then subdivided into Avro Aircraft, which built airframes, and Orenda Engines, which built the "Orenda" and...
  8. jbeach95

    CF-105 Arrow (not army related, but still CF related.)

    Michael OLeary, to clarify, I did not mean to imply that they used only Canadian parts, just that the aircraft itself was designed and assembled by Avro Canada. They planned to use parts that were available at the time or were already being developed -- the weapons systems and original Rolls...
  9. jbeach95

    CF-105 Arrow (not army related, but still CF related.)

    The Arrow was developed only by Canada. The US was not involved in its development. Canada wanted the US to purchase the Arrow, but they indicated that they were not interested. Without the US buying the Arrow, the programme did not appear to be worthwhile economically. This is just one reason...
  10. jbeach95

    T-Flash or Arty Sim...

    They are not the same. Flash bangs are used to clear rooms by disorienting the occupants with a flash, bang, and concussion. Thunder flashes are used for training only, taking the role of grenades. They do not have a visible flash like flash bangs do, and the concussion is considerably less.
  11. jbeach95

    IR Treating on CADPAT

    I saw two soldiers, one wearing CADPAT and the other wearing OD, through a NODLR. The CADPAT was slightly harder to see, but the difference wasn‘t significant. However, this was after the CADPAT had been washed several times.
  12. jbeach95

    Camera Question

    Restricted military maps? :confused: The topographic maps that you use for nav ex are often given away for the troops to keep. They are not restricted or anything, and don‘t have any sensitive information on them. I have a map of Ft. Hood and fellow troops have maps of Meaford and Petawawa.
  13. jbeach95

    No more Carl G?

    The M72 is only effective against soft-skinned vehicles and has little effect against armoured vehicles. I believe the M203 is supposed to replace the M72. It‘s supposed to be just as effective. Also the M203 more portable than the M72 and you can carry more rounds for it.
  14. jbeach95

    Camera Question

    I would encourage people to take a camera. Everyone had cameras on all my courses. I was just at Ft. Hood, Texas, for Exercise Maple Lightning. It was funny to see everyone grab their cameras everytime a Black Hawk or an Apache flew by. We looked like tourists. :D
  15. jbeach95

    C7 sights: Optical & Iron

    While I have never used the C7‘s iron sights, I would probably prefer the C79 optical sight anyway. I have done night shoots with no illumination and found the titium reticle in the C79 helpful. And the optical sight increases the effective range. As for use with the LMG, I have used iron sights...
  16. jbeach95

    Info on pictures in Gallery (Diemaco C7)

    http://Army.ca/cgi-bin/album.pl?photo=Weapons/C71.jpg 1: Buffer retaining pin 2: Buffer 3: Return Spring 4: Butt http://Army.ca/cgi-bin/album.pl?photo=Weapons/C72.jpg Upper receiver group with handguards removed. http://Army.ca/cgi-bin/album.pl?photo=Weapons/C73.jpg 1: Cocking handle 2...
  17. jbeach95

    Truth Duty Valor on DVD

    You can find the times it‘s on in each region at their website. http://www.truthdutyvalour.ca/
  18. jbeach95

    Cadpat chest rigs

    Canadian Peacekeeper sells CADPAT chest rigs (but not the vests yet). http://www.wheelersonline.com/detail.asp?product_id=5015
  19. jbeach95

    The "G Wagon" (Iltis replacment for Recce & the Reg Force)

    Thanks for the clairfication.
  20. jbeach95

    Close Quarter Combat (CQC) [Merged]

    I take hand-to-hand combat with The Royals Unarmed Combat Team, which was run out of ASU London through 4RCR. It teaches Black Arts, which is a mixture of several techniques. It involved hand-to-hand, hand-to-knife, knife-to-knife, firearm disarming, and sentry takeout. However, as far as I...