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  1. cpl-cam

    Musicians, I need your help!

    In my band at Cadets we are playing JAG the only problem is that we do not seem to have the music for drums. If anyone has the sheet music for the drums and would like to send it to me, you would be my hero for the day.
  2. cpl-cam

    I Was An Air Cadet...

    To end the thread jacking I'm going to post something slightly on topic. As a NCO at an Air Cadet Squadron I can guarentee you that not all squadrons are like that. The only people I swear at are my friends and never ifront of the youngins, they're too impressionable! I'm sure if you gave the...
  3. cpl-cam

    ok, so i'm a newb

    May I make a sugestion towards Mr. Bobbit? This is the second or third post I've seen on this topic, is there a way you could make a popup or send an im to inform everyone about the update and how it effects deleting posts? Alot of people don't seem to know about it. Just my 2 cents.
  4. cpl-cam

    Army Cadets looking for kit?

    Ok, my friend no longer cares about the rigging and the cover. So if you could offer it for $110 then we would definatly buy it. (editied to change offer from 100 to 110)
  5. cpl-cam

    Army Cadets looking for kit?

    Ok, the helmet's for snowmobiling... since my friend likes to look unique. But he also has a question, does the helmet come with the rigging and cover
  6. cpl-cam

    Army Cadets looking for kit?

    My cadet cohort and I are interested in buying these together to save on shipping: Crookneck Flashlight (w/lenses)- $10 CF Sleeping bag w/liner- $60 (soo warm) Helmet (current CF style)- $50 However, the only catch is that we reuir the sleeping bag to have both the outer and inner bags (liner...
  7. cpl-cam

    Amazon.com selling CAJ articles that you can get for free from Army website.

    When making my website I looked into the CF copyright policy which is the same as any other government site I've been to. The site for the government policy on copyright is: http://www.canada.gc.ca/copyright_e.html Scroll down to "Commercial Reproduction" My interpretation of this is that if...
  8. cpl-cam

    Problem changing email

    Thanks alot Mike, I was starting to get army.ca withdrawls.
  9. cpl-cam

    Double repetitions

    Here's the post: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/28811.0.html I didn't see any repitition.
  10. cpl-cam

    Cadet related websites

    Well who hasnt heard of cadet world? But they're a forum, I'm not.
  11. cpl-cam

    Cadet related websites

    Well, now I look like a shameless self promoter. As you'll all notice, the sites not up yet, the cheque's in the mailĀ  :army:
  12. cpl-cam

    St. John Air Cadets Planned Columbine Style Attack in N.B.

    As for the mps investigating, it's very common for that to happen. For example a central region corps had $200 stolen and they had the MPs come take reports from cadets and officers. I'm pretty sure the MPs are only investigating what ever happened on the trip and have nothing to do with the...
  13. cpl-cam

    How far do you plan to make it?

    I ment WO not MWO, I get things like other people, I'm just a little slower
  14. cpl-cam

    Base auction?

    Thanks I'll have to keep my eyes open, I'll be like a kid in a candy shop.
  15. cpl-cam

    Not-so Smarty's thread on C7 theft.

    But why jump to conclusions that he's a cadet? Seeing obvious BS and making the assumption that it may be a cadet is in my opinion not showing great respect towards cadets. It would be like me jumping to conclusions and assuming he's an ex airborne guy with an axe to pick just cause he's from...
  16. cpl-cam

    Base auction?

    If this is the wrong spot sorry but it seemed the best. Does anyone know when the base auction for Kapyong barracks in Winnipeg is? All I know is it's some time this spring to sell off what they don't wanna truck to Shilo.
  17. cpl-cam

    Not-so Smarty's thread on C7 theft.

    To elaborate on what rifle_team_captain_13 said slightly... Wesley, I remember reading alot of your posts, you even answered one or 2 of my questions you had my respect, you seemed like a smart guy. You just slipped a couple on my respect scale. I hate when cadets get bashed (something that...
  18. cpl-cam

    At which point would I become officially a member?

    Thanks dan, also do you know if I could participate as a volunteer CIC officer before BOQ or would I have to wait until afterwards? Thanks alot.
  19. cpl-cam

    How far do you plan to make it?

    I chose MWO for the Air Cadet equivilent of f/sgt. I'm a sgt now and if I get accepted to ROTP next year it will be my last year making f/sgt the highest I can go before having to leave. Too bad I can't do ROTP and stay in cadets, I guess there's always the CIC atleast.
  20. cpl-cam

    At which point would I become officially a member?

    Ok, my plan next year is to go for ROTP, now if I did that I also want to continue with cadets until the last day possile then start volunteering with the CIC the day after. So my question is, when would I officially become an officer cadets, when I'm sworn in or after BMQ?