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  1. mathabos

    ROTP 2010-2011

    If it hasn't changed, you will not be able to bring that stuff with you. They will be confiscated upon your arrival if you bring them. There is a thread about it on this site where you can read the reasons why they do it.
  2. mathabos

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    @ MMChai I posted this in the application process samples I think we fell through the same crack in the system. Fells good to know I'm not alone.
  3. mathabos

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Center: CFRC Montreal Regular/Reserve: Regular ROTP Officer/NCM: Officer Trade Choice: LOG Application Date: Juin 2009 CFAT: July 8th Medical: Sept 3rd Interview: Sept 9th Merit Listed: Oct 9th Position Offered: March 17th Sworn in: July 29th I applied for civilian university as I am...
  4. mathabos

    20 Jul 10: Sapper Brian Collier, 1 CER, R.I.P.

    Our sincere condolences to the family and friends May you rest in peace Sapper Collier  :cdn:
  5. mathabos

    ROTP 2011-2012

    If i'm not mistaken, the CFAT is valid for a lot longer than one year. As for the medical, I was informed that it is valid for 6 months.
  6. mathabos

    What Was/Is Your Biggest Obstacle?

    My biggest obstacle was dedicating myself to working out. Initially I wanted to apply to the reserves. However, when I visited at unit I saw what they were doing and I knew I was not ready. I decided that I needed to work out regularly. The discouraging part was my push-ups and cardio were...
  7. mathabos

    ROTP 2010-2011

    Do try these programs if you do not have a training program yet. It does work. I could barely do 10 at the beginning. Now I can do over 35. Its just something that you have to stick with.
  8. mathabos

    ROTP 2010-2011

    Finally received my swearing in date. July 29th at the Montreal recruiting center. Looking forward to see some of my fellow cadets.
  9. mathabos

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Congratulations Stacked ! Glad to hear that your process is going smoothly. Your hard work paid off. 
  10. mathabos

    Spiritual Issues

    I agree with your post. I have felt the same way as you from a young age. I have many friends with similar views. However, I will always respect other peoples points of view. As posted earlier also, we are free to think for ourselves. I would like it if people who believe in God could simply...
  11. mathabos

    ROTP 2010-2011

    I just got the call this morning. My enrollment ceremony is july 8th and im looking forward to it. Only hitch is my offer is a little different than I previously thought it was. When I was called back in March I was offered Rotp at civi university. When the person called today, he informed me...
  12. mathabos

    ROTP after High School Questions

    There are numerous threads about this subject already. So for additional info use the search function to find them. The easy answer is you need to be a well rounded individual. - Good grades through high school and cegep (if you live in Quebec)  - Extracurricular activies like cadets, sports...
  13. mathabos

    Posting Policy-Restricted (IR) & Prohibited moves [MERGED]

    I was able to apply to Rotp for this September with Civi university as my only option. I was half way into my second year when I applied. However, as stated before, it is now required to put both RMC and Civi universities. Having completed a year or two of Civi university did let me apply...
  14. mathabos

    ROTP 2010-2011

    I'm in the same boat as you and Rogo but im from Montreal. There is still plenty of time for us to swear in. I will try not to worry about until mid July. If by then I do not have a date i will probably start to panic  ;D
  15. mathabos

    Summer job after enrollment?

    I have had the same dilemma as per the part-time job. Im going civi university. With the help of the good people on this forum it was quite easy to find the information. The Rotp 2010-2011 thread has the dates and the links for both RCM Kingston and St-Jean. I dont yet have my swearing in...
  16. mathabos

    ROTP 2010-2011

    Montreal is my recruiting center also. When I called last Monday, I was told to be patient and wait. Nothing has come through the mail yet either. I will be calling again this Monday to see if they have an update.
  17. mathabos

    ROTP 2010-2011

    Looking at the last few posts its seems likely that since im from Quebec that I will be headed to St-Jean. I noticed that for St-Jean the recruit camp starts a week earlier than that of Kingston. That is probably due to the fact that in Quebec our universities start earlier. I am guessing that...
  18. mathabos

    ROTP 2010-2011

    I have been doing lots of searching this past week. I too have learned more from this forum and the internet than my recruiting center. Here is where I found most of my information: http://www.cmrsj-rmcsj.forces.gc.ca/deo-ocd/ir-ji/irc-jic-eng.asp This is what recruit camp is Do we do the...
  19. mathabos

    ROTP 2010-2011

    Im also from Montreal and have heard nothing from them yet. I will definitely call them this week to find out what is happening.
  20. mathabos

    ROTP and High School

    Could there be an age limit to be able to go to RMC through ROTP ? If so there is always ROTP via a civilian university. Ask the recruiter to clarify the situation and requirements for each route.