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  1. trustnoone73

    Cotton socks...?

    My advice on another thread was to read nothing on this site.  However, if you are determined to read here, read Paracowboy.
  2. trustnoone73

    Training Questions for a new Recruit

    Interesting read into my advice.  At no time did I suggest being a grey man and following direction and orders does not make you one unless you want to be one.  Much I suppose depends on what the recruit is told.  Some examples of what I tell them is to think up their own  solutions to problems...
  3. trustnoone73

    Training Questions for a new Recruit

    My tip is simpler: 1.  Don't read a thing on this site.  Meet your first timing at your unit.  Do exactly what you are told.  Once you no longer have a next timing and are no longer being told what to do next you will have all the answers contained on this site. 2.  As PRes be flexible.
  4. trustnoone73

    3.5km in 22 mins

    Here is a four step program: 1.  Log off 2.  Go to the library and get this book:  http://www.amazon.ca/Runners-World-Less-Faster-Revolutionary/dp/159486649X 3.  Photocopy a 5km plan.  I believe there are beginner, intermediate, and race plans. 4.  Follow the plan. Two step plan: 1. log off...
  5. trustnoone73

    Cotton socks...?

    An ounce of prevention is often overlooked.  I once worked with a WO who bemoaned the uniformity of boots in Bn.  He was convinced that 25 years of issued foot wear were good enough for him.  I asked him why he needed special issued footwear now and he replied without a sense of irony that his...
  6. trustnoone73

    CAF uniforms don't have sizes for fit guys

    I believe there are four measurements for all CF shirts/tunics.  Waist, chest, height to shoulders, and sum of all three added to the belly.  For pants there is only one measurement.  Inseam/waist.  They shall be the same.
  7. trustnoone73

    All Memo Templates: (AVOTP, ED&T, File Number, OJT, OT, Release, Retention)

    Yes, but I doubt if that reason is because a LCol does not possess the faculties to make decisions with respect to leave or any other unit matter.  It's accountability.  The decision was in all probability rendered below the OCC level.  Which is why there was a grievance and a protracted...
  8. trustnoone73

    All Memo Templates: (AVOTP, ED&T, File Number, OJT, OT, Release, Retention)

    Personally, on relatively low level matters such as a short day I would have kicked the memo back and had the member address it to the Pl Comd as the first stop in the CoC or the OC if short has not otherwise been authorized.  That is if my unit would need a memo which likely it wouldn't because...
  9. trustnoone73

    All Memo Templates: (AVOTP, ED&T, File Number, OJT, OT, Release, Retention)

    This is a bit of a myth.  Members do not get to pick and choose who decides a particular administrative matter.  This becomes playing mom against Dad.  My OC denied my leave so I'll write my memo to the CO instead.  That'll get traction. Lets have CO's get the leave memo's and the Section 2IC...
  10. trustnoone73

    Bemoaning The Lack of Sports in The CF? [merged thread]

    How is doing unit runs dealing with knee issues?  I'm not a Doc but being infantry for two decades my knees are my paycheck and I don't know many people who cured knees by running in pain.  By not many I mean zero.  A sub one year knee problem.  Typically that is really minor or awesome...
  11. trustnoone73

    Friendship and social life in the CAF

    I'm a little unclear on what you mean by "have noticed a major decline."  I know 2013 was an incredible year for mess steeple chase and crud. We are not likely to see those days again.  Well, maybe in 2015 we'll get some euchre going. You've heard a few stories, maybe watched "Tunes of Glory"...
  12. trustnoone73

    Bemoaning The Lack of Sports in The CF? [merged thread]

    Don't shoot yourself in the foot here.  Much of what you said with respects to use of space and quality of equipment makes sense at least to me and they are points I have heard at other bases as well.  Some base or unit gyms are better than others and it falls under the responsibilities of the...
  13. trustnoone73

    What not to do - No excuse BMQ tips [Merged]

    I am willing to wager that Reg Force DP1 Cbt Engineer will involve a lot more inspections and corrective training than BMQ.  Inspections and jackings are far preferable to you continuing to do or not do something that will at best result in you failing and at worst cause the injury or death of...
  14. trustnoone73

    Looking for advice/input on balancing a civilian life and a military career

    You are in year one and 17 years old. Speaking as someone who is in year 22 and is 41 I would say you have lots of time left to get to California and do a few thousand other really cool things in the military reg or res. By now I hope you knocked off high school.  University or Regs, either is...
  15. trustnoone73

    Tasking / Posting with girlfriend

    So to clarify: You are looking for full time employment You have a girlfriend that you would like to keep Your reserve unit/brigade has been sourced an 8 month - 12 month class B position that will see you tasked away from your unit Your reserve unit may be hesitant to send you on the task...
  16. trustnoone73

    CFB Cold Lake Thread- Merged

    Never is a very long time when every posting has a myriad of individual considerations.  Certainly, the needs of the service is the priority.  Hard ball in this day and age is not likely to fulfill the needs of anyone.  If a member releases as opposed to taking a posting there are now two...
  17. trustnoone73

    "Commander discusses the future of the Canadian Army"

    Agreed!  I'm glad I'm not the only one.
  18. trustnoone73

    Retired general claims $72K in moving expenses (CTV)

    It's not as uncommon as you might think.  Unfortunately not covered.  Hint:  If you own livestock, own a trailer that is attached to the vehicle you are driving to your next location. 
  19. trustnoone73

    Retired general claims $72K in moving expenses (CTV)

    If we speculate enough on speculative claims I'm sure we can find moral reprehension or just a lot of nothing about nothing.  Quite frankly, I've moved enough to know a free move would not be worth the hassle unless my wife really wanted a different house. 
  20. trustnoone73

    Must haves for tour of duty (new to forces)

    Is PEI going somewhere? As a mounted officer, none on the list are must haves.  Good radio orders, staedtlers (in the system or your gunner will find you some), and a robust coffee cup.  A decent folding belt knife is a nice to have. I love Zeke Anderson as much as the next man, but 'tour'...