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Search results

  1. T

    Promotions in the CAF [Merged]

    Thanks Acorn.  I appreciate the info.  If you don't mind me asking....do you enjoy your job? find it interesting? a lot of the same old, routines, repeating things....or is it a lot of changes, looking at new things, ideas and information?
  2. T

    CH-146 Griffon

    Hello All, I was wondering if someone would take the time to explain some of the problems with the CH-146 Griffon helicopter.   I understand that it seems to have a poor reputation in the forces, and I was hoping to learn more about why.   I believe that the Griffon is based on the Bell...
  3. T

    Promotions in the CAF [Merged]

    I was wondering if anyone could clarify a small detail for me.   I have read in several places that Int Officers are frequently promoted from NCO Int Op.   Now, that being the case, does that mean that most Officer in the trade were former NCOs, or are most commisioned from ROTP, or DEO? If...
  4. T

    Enrolment Options & Hand Tools

    Thanks for the help delavan, i apprecirate the info, and getting a jumpstart on things by coming in partially trained is really intersting.  Not to say that I think i could get or deserve that kind of a deal, but I think I'll look into it, see what kind of skills the military would consider me...
  5. T

    Enrolment Options & Hand Tools

    Hello everyone, this is my first post here at army.ca, so I hope i have this in the right forum. I'm currently going throught a pre-training course for a trade, HVAC-R specifically.  I've looked at a few options when I finish, which is still almost a year away.  One of the ideas that keeps...