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  1. Furniture

    NATO vigilance medal

    We issued the Article 5 Active Endeavor and Non-Article 5 Sea Guardian medals for a long time, I see no real difference with the new Non-Article 5 Vigilance medal. One issue with the current use of the SSM is that it has the same lack of recognition for multiple tours that the GCS-ISAF did...
  2. Furniture

    Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

    It comes across as cope when you frame things that way... There was about a 10% swing toward team blue between the poll you posted, and the current numbers. That's not an insignificant swing, regardless of ones personal feelings about the parties.
  3. Furniture

    Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

    It is nearly two years old, and people's views on the parties have changed significantly in that time. It was a fair criticism of the poll's usefulness to the discussion in December 2024. Here is a link to a much more recent and relevant poll.
  4. Furniture

    Haitian leaders must all agree before Canada would lead a potential military intervention, Trudeau says

    I agree with this apart from one thing, your timelines are all about 3-4x too short. To build a lasting peace you need to create a stable environment that outlasts the people who lived in the before times, and for their children to be on death's door. When you have young people who know...
  5. Furniture

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    Yeah... not so much. The IJN were instrumental in committing atrocities across the Asia-Pacific theatre. It would be like the RN using Hipper as a callsign because of this event. Some things are still a bit to radioactive to this day to be a good idea, even if our inner history nerd thinks it...
  6. Furniture

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    I'm jealous of it...
  7. Furniture

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    For sure, but when they do, that should be their first "big" trip.
  8. Furniture

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    That would be a hell of a PR win, quite moving for the crew I'd expect as well.
  9. Furniture

    How to practice drill over winter break

    Be cautious of watching drill videos, it could be a great way to learn a bad habit or the wrong movements. If it isn't an official CAF video it could be someone no better at drill than you, but with the confidence to record it. Your staff will expect you to be a bit rusty when you get back from...
  10. Furniture

    Haitian leaders must all agree before Canada would lead a potential military intervention, Trudeau says

    It would make the the fall of Carthage look like a bar fight, but it would get results.
  11. Carthago.jpg


  12. Furniture

    Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

    At one time I lived just past Starbuck, in Fannystelle... I concur.
  13. Furniture

    Haitian leaders must all agree before Canada would lead a potential military intervention, Trudeau says

    It won't work there, for the same reason it didn't work in Afghanistan. The voting public doesn't have the interest or the stomach for the job. The only way to fix a place like that is the imposition of the rule of law for generations, followed by a transition local institutions that have been...
  14. Furniture

    Worth starting French before joining?

    Yes, start French as soon as you can. Being proficient in both offical languages will be beneficial to your career and personal life in the CAF.
  15. Furniture

    AOR Replacement & the Joint Support Ship (Merged Threads)

    I was around for them, I never "got" them... As a non-smoker, and a member of the C&POs, I suspect a lot of the appeal was lost on me. I'd rather sundowners than sit around the AAMR.
  16. Furniture

    AOR Replacement & the Joint Support Ship (Merged Threads)

    I'm not going to lie... I've never understood fetishizing the AMR party. Sure it's fun, but other sections/departments do the same thing. Why do we have to pretend that "stoker" parties are better? Because people could smoke and not get caught?
  17. Furniture

    Special Service Medal - Domestic Operations Bar

    The question then becomes, do the Techs making the system work qualify? What about the Techs maintaining the RPAS, or the IntO/Int Ops/Met Techs briefing the RPAS crews? It will be interesting to see how this works out. I suspect it will create more issues than it solves.
  18. Furniture

    Logistic Vehicle Modernization Project - Replacing everything from LUVW to SHLVW

    My complaint is that a MSVS is wasted as the Met Section vehicle. It's a capable vehicle that could/should be put to better use elsewhere, while the Met folks use a less capable, but still somewhat protected vehicle to continue to provide support. I ran a Met Det out of the back of a CP Bison...
  19. Furniture

    Ontario Majority Government 2022-2025

    That is the nature of democracy... just like how Ontario and Quebec tell the rest of Canada how it will be run, and city folk all across the country dictate to the rural folk how they will live. I'm all for more local control, but it needs to extend beyond bike lanes.