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  1. Furniture

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    People join the CAF for a good job, and for opportunities, otherwise they'd be the local tradespeople. The majority of the local tradespeople aren't expected to go away for months at a time on course or deployments. Now, that does raise one interesting point though, could some of the local...
  2. Furniture

    Political impacts of Ukraine war

    She's what happens when history isn't considered an important subject in schools.
  3. Furniture

    CAN-USA 2025 Tariff Strife (split from various pol threads)

    You no longer pay to register you car...
  4. Furniture

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    The problem with this sort of solution is it only works for essentially the Cbt arms, where you put hundreds of people from the same trade in a single location. What about all the smaller support dets that are required to keep the modern kit functioning, and keep the rest of the support...
  5. Furniture

    CAN-USA 2025 Tariff Strife (split from various pol threads)

    It also highlights one key fact we keep forgetting. Canada is a small market compared to America, but on a global scale it is not a small market. Any market of 40+ million is noteworthy, a rich country with a market of 40+ million is worth making efforts to gain or maintain access to.
  6. Furniture

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    There was an article posted today about the CAF not pursuing retention bonuses, but it also highlighted how the CAF gaslights about retention issues. The CAF Chief said that people leave because of pay/benefits/CoL, but more importantly "toxic leadership". Maybe I've been in too long and am too...
  7. Furniture

    CAN-USA 2025 Tariff Strife (split from various pol threads)

    I like this because it's hitting a non-necessary but still noticeable industry. It will hurt American companies, and may boost local Canadian ones.
  8. Furniture

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    Or the problem is there are too many special cases in the occupation and the CM tried to make the least bad choice. Now the members who have their family plan sorted are doing extra, which may lead them to not wanting to stay in the CAF working to cover for others constantly. There is no...
  9. Furniture

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    For you... When I was a 19 year old posted to Cold Lake it didn't seem too bad initially either... It was far larger than the hamlet of about 300 I grew-up a mile outside of. That said, I can also completely understand why lots of people born in places like Montreal, Richmond, Calgary...
  10. Furniture

    Replacing the Subs

    I'm not saying the Germans are making the smart choice, simply pointing out a reason they may not have taken us too seriously. Could also be that we are notoriously hard to work with. I'm definitely pro-South Korea if looking for new partners to work with. They developed their own defence...
  11. Furniture

    The vibe shift, end of "wokeness"?

    We have spent the last 50 years indoctrinating children into believing the world is going to end because of fossil fuels, even as we ramped up their use to make modern living more comfortable. You don't overcome that sort of indoctrination until people start freezing in the dark because they...
  12. Furniture

    Replacing the Subs

    In fairness to Germany, they have seen us be unserious about defence spending long enough to question whether we will follow through on the plan. Why waste effort of a flake of a customer that might back out at any time?
  13. Furniture


    The problem with the way Trump is doing us a "favour" is that he is doing it in an destabilizing way. It's one thing to say, "We are paying too much, so we can't contribute more." It's another thing to drag a national leader into a TV set and berate them in front of the world. Countries...
  14. Furniture

    2025 Ontario Election

    One interesting note from the election, living in Vanier I never saw a campaign sign for the PC candidate for my riding. The LPO candidate won as expected, but the NDP and Greens still each had signs out.
  15. Furniture

    Our North - SSE Policy Update Megathread

    You literally lumped the RCN in with the CA, and I called you out, now you want to pretend that I was the one who started this? One of the largest stumbling blocks to the CAF being a single unified force, is the reality that most members live in little bubbles within their own element.
  16. Furniture

    Our North - SSE Policy Update Megathread

    That's the thing, the ship is your hotel and your workspace. I have stood many a foreign port duty watch alongside air crew members that were helping protect the ship. I'm not suggesting the challenges aren't different, but lets not pretend the RCAF is doing something new here. The Nav Res...
  17. Furniture

    Our North - SSE Policy Update Megathread

    Yes...the navy is known for not going anywhere, or having to deal with security threats on it's own. How stunning and brave of the air force to go place and need security... :ROFLMAO:
  18. Furniture

    Trump administration 2024-2028

    As are birds.
  19. Furniture

    LPC leadership race - 2025

    Carney's team is being run by the people who brought you McGuinty, Wynne, and Trudeau... The figurehead in front of them changes, but they way they govern has remained pretty consistent. Though you are correct, the average Canadian has no idea about politics apart from Orange Man bad.
  20. Furniture

    LPC leadership race - 2025

    If people fall f If Canadian voters are dumb enough to fall for the Carney switcheroo, then Canada deserves what it gets.