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  1. estoguy

    Just need some advice, please!

    Great prep questions here: http://www.armee.forces.gc.ca/34gbc/entrevueen.pdf
  2. estoguy

    File Transfer Time from CFNRC to Local CFRC

    I called North Bay on Friday 13 April... the recruiter was curious why my file hadn't been sent down yet and promised to look into it.  By the following Thursday, I had the email from my local RC that they had my file.  The next day I dropped off the needed paperwork and had my interview date. ...
  3. estoguy

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    ***Update*** Passed interview yesterday for DEO Pilot and Armour Officer.  ;D Medical: May 9
  4. estoguy

    Any word on Officer trade numbers?

    Inf O, Arty O and Armour O are open, but extremely low numbers. (3, 3, 12).  This was according to the list generation on April 26, saw this at the RC prior to my interview yesterday (which I passed for pilot and armour o., medical next week!)
  5. estoguy

    Course number question

    Sorry to bring up an old topic, but was curious about the first letter.  On the BMOQ list the platoon numbers look like this: L0074F (L20) Or M0079E (L17).  What does the L & M stand for?
  6. estoguy

    On the Job Training / Experience (OJT / OJE) [Merged]

    Some good OJT info in this thread... http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/94886.0.html The way I'm understanding it, they will take your preferences into account, but ultimately, they will send you where they need/want you... much like anything else in the military.
  7. estoguy

    Zug Island & "the Windsor Hum"

    Its the end of the world!  >:D
  8. estoguy

    Zug Island & "the Windsor Hum"

    I read about this on the weekend... its bizarre to say the least. I wonder what is going on at Zug Island...  ???
  9. estoguy

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    When I got my interview date for pilot last week, they said my CFAT score from last year (I could only apply to Infantry and Armour, the only ones open at the time) was "well above average". So I didn't have to write again to qualify for pilot.  :nod: 
  10. estoguy

    F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    Good article I saw yesterday on the Post's website: http://news.nationalpost.com/2012/04/22/qa-all-you-need-to-know-before-the-f-35-debate-hits-parliament/
  11. estoguy

    Pilot Perseverance

    Chris, do you know what the current situation is?  I'm applying as a DEO, no previous flight experience.
  12. estoguy

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Center: Online/Barrie Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: Officer- DEO Trade Choice 1: Pilot Trade Choice 2: Infantry Trade Choice 3: ACSO Application Date: July 2011 (Originally) Reapplication date: Jan 2012 (Online) Medical booked: Interview booked: April 30 Position Offered...
  13. estoguy

    Any word on Officer trade numbers?

    I got the same info this morning when I called in.  The recruiter did say that they haven't received the updated intake list yet, so it MIGHT change.
  14. estoguy

    Switching from DEO merit list to NCM application?

    I remember asking about this last year when I took my stuff into the RC.  NCM and DEO are two separate things.  If you switch from one to the other, its very much like starting all over.
  15. estoguy

    Update to my situation for those following.

    Good post!  And I hope it get gets read by everyone... perhaps this should even be stickyed.  I'm several months into the process, but I was under no illusions it would be fast - "hurry up and wait!  :nod:  One can always hope, but you need to realistic too. I know I want it, and I'm willing...
  16. estoguy

    Why won't the recruitment centres answer the phone?

    I've called at different times of day, and have never had a problem getting through.  :nod:  And I've found them to be very helpful.
  17. estoguy

    Job offered, and would like to hear some opinions

    I agree with a lot of the other posters... If I was in your shoes and was handed the opportunity, I'd take it.  No questions.  Either your lady will understand or she won't.  If she truly loves you and wants you to happy as well, she'll understand.  And as a teacher, her job can be picked up...
  18. estoguy

    open/closed trades

    I agree... its painful to hear, but more so when its written.
  19. estoguy

    Head Shaving/BMQ (merged)

    If you were to get your hair cut ahead of time, what is "regulation"?  #1 on the clippers, or shorter than that even? To try it, I went down to a number 1 last summer and LOVED it.
  20. estoguy

    Re-opening application

    Pilot, Infanty, ACSO... but I'd also be interested in Armour, Artillery and TDO.