I called North Bay on Friday 13 April... the recruiter was curious why my file hadn't been sent down yet and promised to look into it. By the following Thursday, I had the email from my local RC that they had my file. The next day I dropped off the needed paperwork and had my interview date. ...
Inf O, Arty O and Armour O are open, but extremely low numbers. (3, 3, 12). This was according to the list generation on April 26, saw this at the RC prior to my interview yesterday (which I passed for pilot and armour o., medical next week!)
Sorry to bring up an old topic, but was curious about the first letter. On the BMOQ list the platoon numbers look like this: L0074F (L20) Or M0079E (L17).
What does the L & M stand for?
Some good OJT info in this thread... http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/94886.0.html
The way I'm understanding it, they will take your preferences into account, but ultimately, they will send you where they need/want you... much like anything else in the military.
When I got my interview date for pilot last week, they said my CFAT score from last year (I could only apply to Infantry and Armour, the only ones open at the time) was "well above average". So I didn't have to write again to qualify for pilot. :nod:
Good article I saw yesterday on the Post's website:
I remember asking about this last year when I took my stuff into the RC. NCM and DEO are two separate things. If you switch from one to the other, its very much like starting all over.
Good post! And I hope it get gets read by everyone... perhaps this should even be stickyed. I'm several months into the process, but I was under no illusions it would be fast - "hurry up and wait! :nod: One can always hope, but you need to realistic too.
I know I want it, and I'm willing...
I agree with a lot of the other posters... If I was in your shoes and was handed the opportunity, I'd take it. No questions.
Either your lady will understand or she won't. If she truly loves you and wants you to happy as well, she'll understand. And as a teacher, her job can be picked up...
If you were to get your hair cut ahead of time, what is "regulation"? #1 on the clippers, or shorter than that even?
To try it, I went down to a number 1 last summer and LOVED it.
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