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  1. Brad Sallows

    CAN-USA 2025 Tariff Strife (split from various pol threads)

    It might help to stop trying to see this issue in a different frame from the way everything else almost inevitably unfolds. Trump's egregious exercises of executive power usually produce swift push-back, particularly using courts. We are not in a "trade war with Americans". The US is not an...
  2. Brad Sallows

    Liberal Minority Government 2021 - ????

    For that to be plausible, almost none of them would have a CV that includes an introduction to economics as part of a humanities degree and they would also have to be incapable or unwilling of communicating the basic ideas. Also, they'd have to be ignorant of what is in the news almost daily...
  3. Brad Sallows

    Liberal Minority Government 2021 - ????

    Naw. They're just doing things to feel good about themselves. The "good of Canadians" is not served by piling up competing obligations for insufficient public funds, especially with programs that aggravate demand without addressing supply.
  4. Brad Sallows

    LPC leadership race - 2025

    Yet they're happy to go along with subsidies, which are mainly monies flowing to people who can already afford the politically-favoured upgrades. That's money unavailable for the programs helpful to people with low incomes.
  5. Brad Sallows

    CAN-USA 2025 Tariff Strife (split from various pol threads)

    Some of our politicians are playing the same game as Trump - pointing abroad to distract from problems at home, with plenty of unhelpful heated rhetoric. I suppose along with "trade war against Americans" and "war rooms" we'll soon be forming small sub-groups of cabinet MPs and MLAs and calling...
  6. Brad Sallows

    Hybrid Electric Vehicles

    "There's lots of space on board for fuel. That gives us a 4,000-mile or 7,000km potential range." Well, f*ck. I can guess the "range" of my car would be a lot more than 600km if I chose to fill it with jerrycans of fuel. I wonder how much of that "lots of space" would get filled with other...
  7. Brad Sallows

    Liberal Minority Government 2021 - ????

    Layton had a bolder vision than his successors, and might have been capable of it whereas they were/are not. He and Harper were each manoeuvring to squeeze the LPC out and effect a permanent shift of left-Liberal voters into the NDP pool and right-Liberals into the CPC pool. An NDP capable of...
  8. Brad Sallows

    CAN-USA 2025 Tariff Strife (split from various pol threads)

    It's hard to do the headless chicken dance when the DJ keeps changing the music.
  9. Brad Sallows

    Some of the bought & paid for media

    Whenever I'm with people who watch evening news, I watch some of the evening news with them. My impression: every evening there are two or three stories featuring people describing imminent disaster if their particular cause/group doesn't get more funding and more employees. If almost everyone...
  10. Brad Sallows

    Trump administration 2024-2028

    If only people commenting on air disasters were as accurately informed as senators during confirmation hearings.
  11. Brad Sallows

    CAN-USA 2025 Tariff Strife (split from various pol threads)

    If a province really wants out and says, "We're out", what is it you think Canada is going to do? Fight to keep them in?
  12. Brad Sallows

    Disinformation: Hogue & Beyond (split from Foreign Interference thread)

    Then the phrase "false information" must be used. Some definitions of disinformation include the use of truthful statements.
  13. Brad Sallows

    Disinformation: Hogue & Beyond (split from Foreign Interference thread)

    "information that is purposefully designed to ... manipulate" covers much political and opinion journalism content. I can guess that they'll want to make exceptions for themselves.
  14. Brad Sallows

    Trump administration 2024-2028

    Yes. The point is that all the people who side with favouring consumption taxes over income taxes (efficiency) should consider adopting import tariffs as a starting point and press for extending the taxes to all goods and services and cancelling income taxes. If all purchases are...
  15. Brad Sallows

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    Who right now has a training system already staffed to provide wartime mobilization and sustainment? In a general war scenario, pretty much everything has to be expanded. What's critical is not current capacity, but prepared workable plans to increase capacity.
  16. Brad Sallows

    Trump administration 2024-2028

    Economists tend to favour consumption taxes over income taxes. Import tariffs alone are too selective and too variable (tend to decrease the volume of what is taxed).
  17. Brad Sallows

    Trump administration 2024-2028

    The lowest-hanging fruit of increasing or decreasing illegal immigrant flows is making symbolic gestures that influence their perception of how easy it will be to enter and remain in the US. Biden made one gesture with his initial EOs and policies; Trump is making a different one. Either...
  18. Brad Sallows

    Anti-DEI Gone Overboard - Course Corrections.

    Malicious Compliance. Don't want those results? Fire the subordinates and higher some not determined to find ways to throw sand in the gears.
  19. Brad Sallows

    Anti-DEI Gone Overboard - Course Corrections.

    It's actually the anti-anti-DEI ideology that's at fault. Term-of-art of the moment: "malicious compliance".
  20. Brad Sallows

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    As I wrote, comparative advantage. Someone else can do the processing more cheaply. If we can't do value-add as cost-effectively as someone else, it makes no sense to force the issue - it just reduces our ability to consume.