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  1. BrianWL

    Sureté du Québec (SQ) Officer Murdered, 27 March 2023

    problem is, reaction to critical incident stress and potential PTSD development, is different for each individual. you might never lose a nights sleep over whatever you did, but some folks are McFucked straight away.
  2. BrianWL

    CMMA - replacing the CP140 Aurora

    240,000 km of coastline divided into 16 birds. good lord. any rumored augmentation by UAS perhaps? Hire everyone on the coasts as Rangers? yeesh.
  3. BrianWL

    Unprovoked Toronto Subway Murder Suspect Was “out on numerous releases"-Article 27/03/2023

    for which there needs to be a humane place to secure such people, which by and large there either is not, or there are not enough of them.
  4. BrianWL

    Sureté du Québec (SQ) Officer Murdered, 27 March 2023

    Ya, little respect please for her family and colleagues.....the arm chair quarterbacking can wait.
  5. BrianWL

    2 Edmonton police officers shot and killed

    these are becoming far too routine.
  6. BrianWL

    Haitian leaders must all agree before Canada would lead a potential military intervention, Trudeau says

    without solving basic needs, law and order enforcement will not take root with the local folks. need both a big stick and a helping hand, and as you indicated decades for it to take effect - if it does at all.
  7. BrianWL

    Haitian leaders must all agree before Canada would lead a potential military intervention, Trudeau says

    and the cries of why did we go will follow. with no good answer, there's no fixing Haiti.
  8. BrianWL

    Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

    or, the semi-deposed MP knows too much and the LPC don't want him squacking. so they expel from party but take not action in regard to his seat status.
  9. BrianWL

    2 Edmonton police officers shot and killed

    my first cruiser had no motor, just stone wheels. :)
  10. BrianWL

    Updated Army Service Dress project

    whoa, way outside my jargon lane. in lay terms "you're gonna git it!" :)
  11. BrianWL

    Updated Army Service Dress project

    that Marine general looks less than impressed. I get it for some random little inside garrison parade, but for outside stuff. group by seniority of service.
  12. BrianWL

    Updated Army Service Dress project

    Does this not drive anyone else nuts, but me. Bluest on the right, Greenest on the left, in single rank.......Size..........yeesh. I get that height thing, but from a distance, im of the belief that grouping the various DEU's together looks more uniform.
  13. BrianWL

    Updated Army Service Dress project

    if worn with a little style, they doo look sharp and actually help protect from sun.......but - pain to maintain in wet weather or during long term storage ie) the brim will develop waves in it over time. can't just tuck them away anywhere, or risk crushing the crown and or brim. if worn...
  14. BrianWL

    2023 CAF Recruiting Ad

    I think here lies the video secret, need to have different tools to attract different recruits, one size does not fit all.
  15. BrianWL

    2 Edmonton police officers shot and killed

    well change of federal government is a start, but re-seeding the SCC will take years.
  16. BrianWL

    High Ranking Police Folk Allegedly Behaving Badly

    Or the other option. milk the system from day 36 on the job. and clearly there are some kids who have received the briefing on this move. interestingly. my job's return volley, which i sort of don't blame them, is they get a doc to counter their doc. whilst tied up in process some of the...
  17. BrianWL

    2 Edmonton police officers shot and killed

    total disaster, JP's back in the day routinely locked up anyone who showed a past history of violence and/or armed offences. now.......totally opposite. hopefully a change in government will switch things up, but - the Supreme Court is unelected and seems loath to keep bad girls/guys inside...
  18. BrianWL

    2 Edmonton police officers shot and killed

    well, i have been away from patrol for a bit - will be back into it shortly. but i have plenty of contacts in the game, that relate that the level of aggression towards the police seems elevated ie) bad guys don't always run away any more. they ram the police cruisers. and as far as past...
  19. BrianWL

    2 Edmonton police officers shot and killed

    yep, and becoming a bit of a trend, I don't recall having a series of regular LODD's such as been over past 6 months.
  20. BrianWL

    High Ranking Police Folk Allegedly Behaving Badly

    not quite unionized, no right to strike - more of a collective bargaining unit or easier put - an Association, at least in Ontario where I work.... as far as protecting dead weight goes, that is a minefield of its own, as the Association is expected to defend its members adequately - at risk...