would you be able to advise who is manufacturing your naval peaked cap? Stokes Regalia make ours and comfortable, they are not. Could be just my ill shaped noodle.
i have read the US plans on flying the B 52 into the 2050's, built in 1962. obviously well maintained, but I am surprised an airframe this old is still plugging away. any insight from the air force maintainers on how they manage this????
its interesting the IDF always have their berets with them in garrison unform, but almost never mounted upon their crania........always tucked under the shoulder strap on their slightly dressier garrison shirt.......shows the colours without wearing a wool hat in the blazing heat...
interesting question. my job (bout 750 cops) seems to rely a lot on one recruiter. one background checker. and I think this brings in bias. might be different for the larger forces, definitely could be more problematic when you job has under a couple of hundred people..........interested...
means you have to be persistent if you really really want it. or move onto something you don't have to wait for. not new either, police social engineering has been going on for decades, it sucks when you get stuck because of it.
from what I understand, police services across the country are not able to recruit fast enough to replace staffing losses, so I would guess - yes........
when I was in O division (long way back) was around 1,000 police officers (+/-) the Ontario mounties don't usually stand out much as most of their gigs are plain clothes and unmarked cars...........and they don't respond to 911 calls
Until forced by an external agent or situation - our government and people outside of the CAF, will just hope it goes away. Brutal
good call. Mounties used to issue a brown tunic worn between patrol uniform and red serge.........................to everyone - but to my knowledge moved the...
along with military defensive issues.......just leave it someone will else will help us. its the Canadian way. I like the way the Israelis do things, using a separate army command for civil defense matters, freeing up their field forces.
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