there you go. stick with the Tudor and skip the cost of switching up all the cap badges and such. bad call by HM in my opinion. not a good way to try to stay modest and relevant with the public who are steadily becoming tired of the monarchy.
good news would be don't have to change up cap...
most complex part is the tweeter/whistelblower would not make a complaint through her own agency or an external organization. from what Ive read any way. that's why theyre tossing her. she made wide spread allegations but did not bring anything to be investigated. now I suppose her...
oh brother. the whole commemorative gong thing is so problematic, its IMO - not worth the bother. hand out coins for those who would like to remember the event. not decorations.
there are dry fit uniform shirts available, quite nice in summer/armour season. SWAT types have similar outside the wire shirts as well. there are some good options out there!
funny part was. in 70's 80's, there were practically no "Warrant Officers" minus the Depot SM and the HQ Corps SM. Seemed like the ceremonial continued in the hands of the lower end NCO's
cant help but wondering if the same hand wringing went on when switching from the light tan shirts to current light grey.......i love buttons and bows for parade. working in uni - utilitarian all the way...... navy tops and bottoms, loose the stripes. let the SSM's and up wear the light...
sadly, or rightfully depending on your POV, the law against vagrancy went off the books many years back. believe just about when Charter of Criminals aka Rights came on line.........since then being homeless is not a crime, now meth consumption, still is, at least east of BC.
the training scar I see is resolving a use of force situation in 30 seconds or less. Training time is short and in order to rep out pistol, CEW, spray, baton, cuffs and feet/fists - a lot of the scenarios presented do not encourage utilizing distance/time/talk. Although I have experienced...
huuuuuuuuuge problem. the more training, the less cops. with society expecting jane avg cop to be a trained negotiator, swat operator, csi tech, criminal profiler and on and on.
It would have been helpful if the author of the noted article actually spent a day at Depot. I went in 87/88. It wasn't army hard, but it was tough enough. The recruits were not better or worse than the hundreds I have since worked with in Ontario, who came from the OPC. Asides from the OPC...
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