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Search results

  1. MedCorps

    From Paramedic to Infantryman

    Sure, you can specify anything you want, shows you are keen.  The tasking reality will be based on the needs of the service, your skills and attributes versus those of your peers, a bit of luck, and the whims of the CSMs / RSM when they are moving people about the ORBAT in pre-deployment...
  2. MedCorps

    From Paramedic to Infantryman

    You should note also that the QL3 Med Tech course is changing sometime this Fall.  It is also expected that the RQL3 and RQL4 Med A will follow suit the summer of 2015 to keep pace with the new and improved QL3 Med Tech program.  Adding a bunch of combat medic type stuff (including a chunk of...
  3. MedCorps

    Senior promotions, appointments and retirements (merged)

    Which 50% are arbitrary?  Please, show us your list!  Almost all of them have a great strategic impact on the functioning of the CAF.  The rest are in support of international commitments, or professional development for the GO/FO. Maybe a few of them could be down ranked, but arbitrary.... I...
  4. MedCorps

    Looking for help with a regimental number

    If you are looking for information on 2 Canadian Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment you can find some information here: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21741.0 It might be a starting point.  The typists son left and e-mail address and offered (in 2008) to pass questions to his father. Good...
  5. MedCorps

    Winter training. Hands, feet, and head.

    This is super important.  It always amazes me when even experienced soldiers wear the mukluk without the complete system and are cold / uncomfortable.  Also make sure you have two pairs of duffle socks, one to wear and one to dry.  Also be careful when pouring fuels in the cold... especially...
  6. MedCorps

    Advanced Training

    Military Police – Junior AHGJ - Counter-Intelligence AKYA - Basic Criminal Intelligence Operator AKYE - Tactical Criminal Intelligence Operator Mobile Support Equipment Operator AJRV - Armoured Heavy Support Vehicle System Flat Deck Recovery System AJSA - Fifth Wheel Towing and Recovery...
  7. MedCorps

    Advanced Training

    Pilot AEJG - Maritime Warfare – Advanced AEJH - Maritime Warfare – Standard AEMN - Electronic Warfare – NATO Maritime Advanced AIMP - NATO Geomatics Staff Officer AKWL - CC130J Combat Ready Aircraft Commander AKWM - CC130J Maintenance Test Crew AKWN - CC130J Combat Ready First Officer...
  8. MedCorps

    Advanced Training

    Here we go again new / modified courses for 2013.  List formulation has not changed 1) It is not all inclusive and was compiled throughout the year as the SS was authorized as new or modified.  It does not contain qualification levels and such.  It does not contain SSs that have been deleted. ...
  9. MedCorps

    The "Nursing Officer" Merged Thread

    In order of numbers the uniform colour most Nursing Officer wear is army, then air, then sea.  Not that it makes a difference, as mentioned above. Nursing Officers do not do CAP.  The "phased approach to training" is as follows: Basic Military Occupational Qualification Clinical Phase...
  10. MedCorps

    Canadian Reserves

    You should also be aware that the Reserve Force has a occupation called Medial Assistant - Nursing Assistant.  This is a occupation reserved for LPNs / RPNs and it does not exist in the Regular Force. Not everyone knows about it because it is pretty new.  All Reserve Field Ambulances have a...
  11. MedCorps

    NBC Training

    As a Med A / Med Tech if your unit is tasked to run a Patient Decontamination Centre you can also get loaded (even as a Pte) on the Casualty Decontamination Course. The course is currently in development and should running as a pilot soon in a field unit near you.  You will also get some CBRN...
  12. MedCorps

    Health Services Operational and Staff Officer Course

    HSOSOC replaced the Basic Field Health Services Course.  It is designed for all CF H Svcs Gp Officer MOSIDs (Dent, Med, Nur, Physio, SocW, BioSci, Pharm, HCA) and ideally should be taken as a "Phase III" prior to your "Phase IV" Basic X Officer Course (X = Nursing, Medical, Dental, Pharmacy...
  13. MedCorps

    What does a 2IC REALLY do?

    Good set of videos.  A fine reminder of why I left the RCIC... my knees and back ached the entire time I watched the series of three videos.  Thanks for posting. MC
  14. MedCorps

    CFB Edmonton nurse charged with trafficking steroids

    Fair enough... Agreed.  I reckon the NIS will no doubt be quite interested in the company she kept from the CAF nominal roll.  MC
  15. MedCorps

    CFB Edmonton nurse charged with trafficking steroids

    She is a public service nurse and not a CF Nursing Officer as such the NDA will be likely not be used. MC
  16. MedCorps

    Medical Technician ( Med Tech )

    Good post above. One thing worth noting is that the QL3 is under review with a new curriculum coming out around September 2014.  Should not change things all that drastically however the clinical and field phase timing may increase / decrease somewhat as the curriculum changes.  These things...
  17. MedCorps

    Medical Technician to Civilian paramedic?

    Your training will not be in BC.  English PCP training has been moved to Moncton NB and is now being offered by Medavie. MC 
  18. MedCorps

    Medical Technician ( Med Tech )

    Given the option between WFR and Standard FA with CPR-C I would suggest that if you are going to take something take the WFR (which may very well have SFA with Level C-CPR as a pre-req).  Just having FA with CPR will only make you marginally more attractive (if at all) then the other 1000 people...
  19. MedCorps

    Medical Technician ( Med Tech )

    Taking medical type courses (short of being a primary care paramedic or higher) as part of your application plan (that is, you plan to get hired) really only serves two purposes. 1) It allows you to answer the question, "How do you know you want to be a Medical Technician?"  If you have some...
  20. MedCorps

    Medical Technician ( Med Tech )

    This is not true for all regions of Canada.  Some Primary Reserve Force field ambulance units still have a requirement for Medical Assistants (not Medical Technicians).  There is NO requirement to have EMT / PCP to join these positions. Please do not generalize your small part of the world...