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Search results

  1. S

    CAN-USA 2025 Tariff Strife (split from various pol threads)

    If he had come out and said we're going to put tariffs on Canada until they are paying 2% (or more to make up for previous lack of funding), make changes to border controls, and other security related issues, and include defence and security clauses into future trade deals, I'd say you have a...
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    Informing the Army’s Future Structure

    Some kind of amalgamation needs to happen. I'm from the reserve world and as much as opposition to reserve amalgamation has been mentioned in places like here before, at least from my unit there seems to be plenty of people who agree that there should be. Units ranging from pl(-) to coy(+) isn't...
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    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    I think the F-35 is the best aircraft available, and until a month or so ago I would have argued that depending on where future discussions within NATO land on what % to spend on defence we should look at acquiring more but I genuinely do not believe we can trust the US going forward to not...
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    LPC leadership race - 2025

    They didn't have a video, but in that specific article he's quoted as saying: And every position he's listed as not having resigned from yet are non-profits and an advisory board for the University of Oxford. Not disclosing potential conflicts of interest I think is a major problem, and a...
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    Trump administration 2024-2028

    In case anyone doesn't watch it, this was Trump's exchange with a journalist when asked about what would happen if Russia violated a ceasefire. "what if Russia breaks the cease fire?" "What if a bomb drops on your head?" This man would berate the Poles about not making a deal with Germany if...
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    No Kit issued for part time BMQ

    Can't speak for your specific situation, but there are times when entire courses get their kit on course as a group, which might be your situation. Or it'll be a mixed bag. Regardless, the course staff will work around as best as they can if the rest of the course has kit. I did one course where...
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    Divining the right role, capabilities, structure, and Regimental System for Canada's Army Reserves

    2-3 weekends a month would align with my experiences too, a few years ago we had a couple periods of a few months where a lot of leadership was in every weekend, plus the parade/admin nights. Fair number of troops doing GDs or attending courses too. If you amalgamated/grouped units you'd have...
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    Don't tease us, we would do terrible, terrible things to get even a single working VECTOR.
  9. S

    Divining the right role, capabilities, structure, and Regimental System for Canada's Army Reserves

    Bulk weapon draws prepped on carts before parade starts, signed for by responsible pers for each pl has worked out well for us. If it's things like HMGs or SF kits you could also have a couple pers who are available earlier in the evening get them setup prior to, so the main body can just focus...
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    Divining the right role, capabilities, structure, and Regimental System for Canada's Army Reserves

    While troops aren't working most weekends, my experience the last number of years and based on this year's training calendar is that most leadership is working at least half, and often the majority of weekends as is. There physically aren't more NCOs to run additional training on any weekends...
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    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    $35 billion for the trans mountain pipeline Over $20 billion in contracts to Seaspan Shipyards, which results in contracts to various suppliers across BC and the rest of the country as part of the National Shipbuilding Strategy Just under 30,000 federal public servants in BC at a cost of about...
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    RUMINT of Canada wanting more C-17's

    Not sure where that situation stands legally, but I'm pretty sure I saw it the other week driving by still sitting there.
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    Trying to ID several Toronto Scot soldiers from the tree carvings they made in England in 1940

    I'm a Tor Scot, I'll pass this onto our Regimental historian and let you know what he finds. Thanks for the find!
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    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    Is there a publicly available CAF/DND cost estimate available anywhere? The only thing I've seen is the $56-60 billion dollar figure on the canada.ca project page without any details. The only other cost estimates I've seen are the PBOs, which specifically excludes crew, operations and...
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    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    The report mentions that there will only be one variant, I was under the impression we were still going with two, 3 AAW and 12 ASW, has that changed?
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    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    For those of who don't really know anything on the topic, how exactly do the Queenstons compare to the Asterix conversion?
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    The Sinking of the Canadian Navy - Macleans

    A 10 year lease on a Burke? Assuming the US was willing to give up a destroyer for that long. Or just buy one of the older models and the US can use the money towards buying adding another Flight III
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    Historical Strength of the CF?

    I think I may have been unclear. I can find plenty of general information, like that link you provided, which I've read through. While informative, I was hoping specifically for detailed information on actual numbers over the years, so while I know there were 9 regular squdarons of CF-100s and...
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    Historical Strength of the CF?

    I'm interested in seeing what the size/strength of the Canadian military has been historically, specifically post WW2 to present day. I can find info on the navy here, at least in regards to what ships and aircraft were in service. However I was hoping to find info on the army and air force, but...