Some of my old thoughts on becoming an MP
"If you want to be loved, you should have joined the fire department.”
Do you truly want to be an MP (or civi cop)? Full disclosure: I served as an MP811 for six years (late 80s – early 90s).
I left the trade because it wasn’t for me, and went back...
Regarding the SC's wish list (recomendations), DND and the CF have a serious problem coming up. (gleaned fom J.L. Granatstein's article in RCLegion magazine, "Defence in a pandamic", Sept?Oct 2020). I can't find it online so I'll only post snippets of the article.
The last line says it all -...
If i may relate to these quotes
Back in the early 70s after battle school, I joined my Bn and I know there was a certain sgt-maj who was a racist. We had a Black sgt and i recall after one waincon, some young private would tell this sgt he still had on camo on his face. Another young...
Yeah, you're absolutely correct. However, they (Arabs) conquered territories including land claimed by israel. In effect, they are newcomers. archaeological evidence supports this.
Hi Don
dictated need for living space?
Is that from mein kampf? And I can see iran buddying up with Russia but China? China has its own decimation against its muslims.
The third highlight - not good.
Some NeverTrumpers may not like this
235 retired military leaders publicly endorse Trump in open letter – here it is
In a new joint letter released Monday, 235 senior military leaders officially endorsed President Donald Trump’s reelection.
“The 2020...
Hi Don
That Atlantic article has been proven to be nothing more than political BS
I think that "feud" started when McCain criticized Trump running for the republican party nomination.
IOW, McCain started it ;D
I wouldn't trust the UN, especially the HR department.
Great bunch of countries to criticize the US. Oh yeah, didn't the UNHR critcize Canada in the past?
so many member states are dictatorships that engage in human rights violations -- and they support each other. The worst countries are far...
You're right on the money there CBH99
Trump Buries Atlantic Story in Landslide of Named Sources
Jeffrey Goldberg is emerging as the real “sucker” in this situation.
September 15, 2020, 12:00 AM
Trump: 16.
The Atlantic: 4.
Jeffrey Goldberg, the Atlantic’s Trump-hating...
Toronto - the copy-cat city of America. Now the citizens are mimicking(?) the rioters stateside.
Toronto mob swarm and attack police cruisers
Videos of the incident show members of the mob climb and surround officers who were responding to reports of stunt driving near the Toronto Zoo
That is true but hostile media and certain politicians continue to downgrade any accomplishments awarded to trump (you all know - nominated for the peace prize). Jeez, Obama got the peace gong just for being elected!
If Trump wins - good! Doesn't bother me. But if Harris wins, God help us. :2c:
I think fossil fuels are still going to be the driver of Canada, however, how long that will last is for the generations that follow us. Alternative energy sources are OK but can never replace fossil fuel energy. Having said that, I am worried about nuke power. I am not against nuke power - just...
Can this “radical decentralization” work? To me, it seems very far-fetched.
The libertarian case for independence
Independence is a legitimate option for the West, but only if it does so to end overreaching government, not replicate it.
Published 6 days ago on September 8, 2020
Darcy Gerow...
Blame Trump? leave that for the states. In Canada, I blame Hajdu
Health Minister Patty Hajdu Knew About Pandemic Risk in December 2019
In an interview with Evan Solomon, Hajdu admitted that she was briefed in “late December” 2019 about the threat of the CCP Virus pandemic
(Sept. 10, 2020)...
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